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View Full Version : Why Does it Feel So Good to Read The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee-White Cover Only?

12-22-2013, 03:20 AM
The Spiritual Man (http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/SMCFP.htm), 700 pages, by Watchman Nee does something to you that no other book does, except for the Bible of course though the Bible takes longer to work in you because it is far more than 700 pages.

Why does this happen? Because it is the foremost book ever written on the dividing of spirit, soul and body. Nobody else has even come close. Nee considered it a perfect work. I concur. Watchman Nee had the highest IQ of anyone in the history of the Church that we know of. TSM extracts from the Bible the best and most applicable material to show you how the dividing of spirit, soul and body takes place and shortens it up to get right at the heart of the matter.

So what happens is you read say 20 to 50 pages in one sitting. You're deeply touched, but nothing major happens. Wait for later that day or the next morning. You will sense a change in you, and you can directly correlate it to appreciating what was said from what you read.

You've just experience a taste of the dividing of your spirit, soul and body to walk by your spirit more than you did the day before.

Now, realize, this is just a taste of what can be realized. If you were to spend 5 hours that day continuing to read and let it sink into your innerman, the change in your spirit increases exponentially in correlation to your consecration, that is, the amount of time you are willing to delve into it.

You should not need to go to Jessie Penn-Lewis' War on the Saints (http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/Deception/war_on_the_saints/wots_contents.htm) unless you are contending greatly with evil supernatural spirits that are attacking you incessantly.

After reading TSM do read The Latent Power of the Soul (http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/latent_power_of_the_soul.htm) that belongs at the end of the TSM.

If you do all this, you will experience such a change in your being, you will be left in awe and read the Bible like you have never read it before, because the spiritual world will have opened up to you.