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View Full Version : An Example of How Non-Christians Underhandedly Treat Christians

12-27-2013, 02:53 AM
The Lord wants me on occasion to show how some non-Christians are abusive towards and mistreat Christians. For example, appreciate how evil John Halko and Barbara May are, board members of the Alberta Racquetball Association, for banning a Christian (myself - Troy Brooks) from playing in sanctioned racquetball tournaments in Alberta, Canada for life (2009 onward).

There are three themes going on here. The first is the fact Barbara May, a non-Christian, lied to protect her hide at my expense when I was setting up a racquetball tournament in Edmonton. This is conduct becoming of an atheist. I myself being a Christian would feel guilty if I behaved that way. When I publicly exposed her for lying, aggressive action was promptly taken against me by said non-Christian board members using their political clout and convened to ban me instead of dealing with this ruthless and unethical conduct of Barbara May and her immoral business practices. Other guilty parties on the board were James Brayley, Gerald Slamko, Marc Caouette and Shanda McKnight who allowed this banning to take place and made no attempt to prevent it!

Secondly, each of them very distinctly reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The discrimination was not difficult to impose since they were all hostile non-Christians trying to make a Christian look bad. Jesus said as He was treated so will His disciples be treated. The plan was in place to ban me to cover up Barb's lie without my presence at their inquisition. I was effectively martyred (see Luke 6.22). I preemptively let the racquetball community across Canada know about this abusive behavior what was going down.

To delve into this a bit further, I was conveying the gospel of salvation in 2008-9 to some racquetball players which drew some closer to the Lord while others reacted badly such as Gerry Slamko, Cam Bourque and Danny Tarrabain. Some board members didn't react, but you could tell they had issues against the Triune God. Their replacements today (2013) sadly are also not Christians who enforce the status quo (banned for life): namely, Gordon Cutting, Allen Bauman, Glen Yaretz, and Jeff Buller. The Holy Spirit told me the longer they keep a ban in place, the worse they look.

The third factor was brought to my attention by a Christian who plays racquetball, and also a non-Christian racquetballer just two months ago in fact. Their point was this bizarre action taken against me is, in part, because they are jealous since they always lose to me on the court (e.g. John Halko, Cam Bourque). Some other non-Christians who have never beaten me joined the fray such as Manny Gregorio (wants me to apologize but he said he doesn't know what for), Barry Ould (can't join his league that was cancelled at Mayfield Athletic Club since the club is no more, and he said very angrily "you are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball"), and Jerry Vasilash (abusive personality) expressing their hostility even further.

Incidentally through the influence of the ARA, I was banned at the Mayfield Athletic Club after playing racquetball there for a few months in 2012, but then in judgment by God word was given the Club was to be permanently shut down. God works in mysterious ways! The atheist racquetball players were disbanded from their high tower and kicked off their perch. And now I play at the best racquetball facility in northern Alberta less than a mile away from where I live. It's awesome!

I feel the Lord has blessed me in all of this. God is using the evil of Barbara May and John Halko towards me for His good and my benefit. I get the honor of recording it on the Internet for posterity-sake. I wouldn't want it any other way. During this ongoing abusive behavior by John Halko and Barbara May, I very briefly (before the Jan. 2013 ranking update) made it to 9th in Canada by having won against two players ranked 9th and 5th in Canada and then settled in at 12th. If Gordon Cutting hadn't removed me from the entry list for the 2012 Edmonton Open in November and Glen Yaretz didn't prevent me from playing in the 2013 Tom Holmwood Memorial Racquetball Tournament in January, I would not have reached the ranking I did, because I played instead in two Saskatchewan tournaments during the same weekends to generate those two good wins! I was told by a racquetball player in Nov. 2012 that Manny Gregorio, Cam Bourque and Barry Ould, whom I call the unholy trinity of Edmonton racquetball for the way they behave, said that my amazing jump in ranking was "rigged." If that's not jealousy hard at work then what is? Who would have thought that at the age of 45 I would get into the top 10 in Canada, albeit very briefly, after only playing racquetball again for about 9 months? I even impressed myself.

To take a further look at this matter, please read here...
