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View Full Version : Only Christianity Makes Sense

01-30-2014, 09:30 AM
You do not need to know everything, be all-knowing, as God would be, to know if God exists as that would be self-contradictory, for obviously you are not God, never will be, and surely God has enough grace to reveal Himself instead of being a deistic absentee landlord. Sorry Antony Flew, you are going to Hell.

There are two ways atheists try to deny the existence of the uncreated Creator. One, they say the universe was created from nothing, but we have no hard evidence of that. We only have evidence in nature of something from something. Therefore, according to this evidence, the universe can't start up from non-existence. Really, that which does not exist can't cause anything. A billion pound gorilla can't cause anything. Why? Because it doesn't exist.

Second, atheists try to disprove God is by claiming the universe always existed in an infinite regress of cause and effects. But, of course, that is fallacious too, because if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects in nature, by that very definition, you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened, having had an eternity to do so. Surely an eternity is enough time. Do you need more time than an eternity? It gets even worse for the atheist, because by proposing an infinite regress of cause and effects in nature, contrawise, you should never have existed because a past eternity, by that very definition, would continue on for eternity, never reaching this point. A past eternity of cause and effects is a man-made delusional construct that goes completely against the above evidence. And of course, there is nothing to support infinite regress. So why even go down that rabbit hole of nonsense? It might make a good sci-fi movie but that's all.

By this evidence, since nature can't start up from nothing, nor always have existed, we know that nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God. Now that you know God exists, find out where He reveals Himself. God can't have morals below our own, for the greater can never be lesser than the created. Therefore, since we are personal and accessible so God is too.

Only in Christianity does God personally enter His creation and make Himself accessible as the most widely accessible faith on the planet by His good graces. Since nobody can find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles, realize Jesus, the most documented and corroborated person in antiquity, raised Himself from the dead. Therefore, since Jesus spoke on Hell more than anyone, if you don't come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior, surely you will spend an eternity in Hell.

God created you with free will and expects you to use it. He will not strive against the flesh forever to draw you to Him. Even by not using your free will to choose Christ, you are still using it to shut your mind down which is your way of rejecting God. Jesus said in the Bible, if you are not for Me, you are against Me. A decision not for Christ is a decision against Him.

Now if Christianity is false and you don't believe in it, good for you. But are you any better off by believing in it if it is not true since you end up being annihilated anyhow with the same end result? However, if it is true, and you reject Christ, nothing is worse than going to Hell. But if you do accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior, nothing is better than receiving eternal life - an ability to know God now and eternal blessings. Jesus was a liar, lunatic or God. Since He was not a liar, nor a lunatic, He must be God.

Praise the Lord for this discernment!