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View Full Version : Eight Pressures on the US Dollar

05-28-2014, 08:37 PM
Eight Pressures on the US Dollar

1. Russia is engaging in financial warfare with U.S. in retaliation to sanctions over Ukraine.
2. Petrodollar, paying for oil from Saudi Arabia and other oil rich countries, is being replaced by other currencies.
3. China owns 3 trillion in US Treasuries, and they are getting more and more afraid King Dollar will drop due to US money printing.
4. USA is printing money at a faster pace than Europe.
5. The Debt/GDP of USA is rapidly approaching that of Europe and will exceed it in the coming years.
6. Bilateral trade agreements by countries that want to see United States collapse as the falling Roman Empire.
7. As each year goes by the trade weighted Dollar and demand for reserves in US dollars keeps dropping like clockwork.
8. USA has the largest unfunded liabilities of any country on the planet exceeding 200 trillion which will never be paid back.

It's simply a game of musical chairs. There is no way of knowing when the acceleration of the decline of the US Dollar will take place, but the direction is certain!