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View Full Version : John 7.17 "If any man willeth to do his will"

09-13-2014, 06:14 PM
"If any man willeth to do his will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak from myself" (John 7.17).

Calvinists say we can't willeth, but Jesus says we can. Who is right? Jesus or Calvinists?

What is the Calvinist not getting here? First off, they are in their head, not their spirit, because they can't grasp how God saves someone and not others without irresistibly making it happen. Yet God does give us all the free choice. They are not getting the fact that God provides us all sufficient grace to have the free choice. Instead, the Calvinist prefers to assume his god is unable to do that and must, therefore, irresistibly impose salvation or irresistibly make someone saved, not giving them the free choice. This shows the Calvinist worships a false Christ.

Would a loving God really behave that way? I dare say not.

09-15-2014, 11:41 AM
"If only My people would listen to Me and Israel would follow My ways" (Ps. 81.13).