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View Full Version : Lawrence Krauss is a Clown

10-30-2014, 02:39 PM
Lawrence Krauss said "time and space came into being." From what? He doesn't say. It's obvious God did it since non-existence can't cause anything. Do you see how dumb Krauss is? I believe Krauss would better serve if he worked in a carnival as a clown because he looks like a clown and thinks like a clown and acts like a clown.

He keeps changing the definition of 'nothing'. Sometimes he uses it as empty space, but rarely does he refer to 'nothing' as non-existence or absence of being. Well the latter 'nothing' is what Christians are talking about. Moreover, to say time and space came into being that includes empty space coming into being for empty space has particles.

So Krauss shuts his mind down like a zombie for Satan at that point that timeless spaceless being is needed to bring time and space into being because Krauss would prefer to go to Hell. The clowns of Hell!

When questioned about his ever changing definition of 'nothing' he gets more and more convoluted as if English was not his first language. He just babbles mindless nonsense at that point because his back is up against the wall. Even a 5 year old knows that which does not exist is 'nothing'. How hard is that to understand?

Krauss said about his book, "I never made a statement there is no God." Since God is proven, and Jesus is proven to be God, and He said if you are not for Him, you're against Him (Matt. 12.30) then Lawrence is going to Hell. So be it!

You can hear the evil in Lawrence Krauss when he said, "We are celebrating, and it's remarkable, we have no need for God and no God is necessary. I think it's great!"

What evil!
