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View Full Version : How do you really lose weight? Plan for the next 30 days

01-05-2015, 12:22 AM
You have to keep track of your calories for breakfast, lunch and supper. Lookup that item for its calorie content and create a list of the foods you eat and their calories so you don't have to search for the item again on the internet. Keep adding new foods to your list.

You need to have 3 meals: 8-9 am, 12-1 pm, 5-6 pm. No snacking. Your liver snacks in between by itself. And you have to set out all the calories for you next days' meals so you know exactly what you are having for each meal. Treat this as a game. If you find that you are not keeping to the plan then you have to brood over it more on your excel spreadsheet. Create a new column for the next day. Observe the clock constantly for when you can have your next meal. If it is 12 am, you have 8 hours to suffer. If it is 2 pm, you have 3 hours to suffer. Keep reminding yourself.

Next, you have to determine how many pounds you want to lose and multiply that by 3500 calories per pound. Let's say you want to lose 6 pounds. 6 x 3500 = 21000 calories. Subtract from that 21000 calories what you burn working out. Determine how many times you will workout in the next month, say 12. You generally burn about 500 extra calories per workout. 12 x 500 = 6000. 21000 - 6000 = 15000. 15000/30 days = burn off 500 per day. If you utilize 2000 calories a day normally, you will need to stay under 1500 calories/day to reach your goal in 30 days.

Simple. The essential part of this if you are faltering you have to brood over these details more. Stare at your excel spreadsheet more until you feel you are in control. Be extremely vigilant! Some people have to stare at the clock and their excel spreadsheet all day long. So be it! If that's what it takes!

Studies have shown those people who were over 300 lbs. who permanently stayed under 200 lbs. for the long haul did exactly this. Nothing else works. This is the only solution. The Holy Spirit of Truth told me so.

You don't need to buy a book. Just follow these instructions precisely and you'll be fine. You will do what you have never done before! I'm a Christian telling you the best way to do things. The minute you stop looking at the clock and your excel spreadsheet is when you are susceptible to mistakes.

It becomes even easier to achieve if your spirit, soul and body of your temple are receiving spiritual strength by reading a Christian book for 1 hour and the Bible for 1 hour in the morning before getting out of bed. But the strength you get from doing so will not manifest if you are not born-again (John 3.15-21; 1 Cor. 15.1-8). You need to be a Christian as God desires.

The reason why this works especially if you are a Christian is because you are not relying on your own strength to achieve it. Rather, you are depending on God so that it is no longer you that lives but Christ in you by the Holy Spirit. This guidance and increased intuitive strength received in your spirit is a most miraculous thing that once experienced and realized will make you a true believer!