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View Full Version : Rich People are Not Job Creators But Suckers and Leaches on the Circle of Life

01-06-2015, 03:54 AM
Rich people make terrible consumers so they are terrible job creators. The solution is an exponential tax rate so the top 1/100%, 1/20%, 1% and top 20% are hit the hardest. Then an economy will function properly.



The below chart shows that rich people are leaches. It is harder for a rich man to get into heaven than a camel to through the eye of a needle. Basically, they are screwed! I am thinking of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, for example. They are going to Hell unless they give most of their money away (a form of repentance) like yesterday instead of being like Gates donating a few dollars each year.

They reason Bill Gates and Warren Buffet don't give their lives to Christ even though God has graced them with great wealth is because they first must have a repentant heart, and they show no signs of repenting by not giving up their hoards of wealth.


Rich people pay very little tax.