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View Full Version : Higgs Boson and the Super Blood Moon 2015

01-20-2015, 06:08 PM
Isn't it interesting the year of the 2014/15 Feast Tetrad that the CERN accelerator will come back online in 2015 at twice the energy to smash particles together to see if they can find other hidden particles besides the Higgs boson to prove Super Symmetry.

2015 is a Shemita year, the 120th Jubilee year (from 3986 BC when Adam was 18, he was born 4004 BC), and it is a Super Blood Moon over Jerusalem, both at perigee of the moon and the earth's revolution around the sun once year. Amazing!

01-20-2015, 06:16 PM
This picture looks like the Last Supper at CERN (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Organisation_for_Nuclear_Research)'s Large Hadron Collider (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider).


It is also a foreshadowing of the New City which is 1379 miles high with many levels, or how man keeps searching, yet there is still something behind the Standard Model, and something behind that, on and on. We can only see down to the 10^25 level, but we know things are even smaller down to the 10^125 level.

01-20-2015, 06:46 PM
The ancient Israelites believed their Messiah would show up on Tisha B'Av. The idea is there are 30 days more from the 1260th day of the Great Trib to the 1290th day (Dan. 12.11) for Jesus to judge the nations, then 45 days more to the 1335th day (Dan. 12.12) to set up Israel as the center of all nations at which time He will reign in the 3rd Temple over the nations with His overcomers on earth for 1000 years. His overcomers return with Him when He returns (Jude 14,15) -- approximately 1/7th of all believers since Adam.

There are always, give or take a day or two, those 30 days plus 45 days more (total 75 days) from Tisha B'Av to Simchat Torah, after Feast of Trumpets (rapture) and after Day of Atonement (the saved) and after Tabernacles (Jesus tabernacles among people for 1000 years).

What is Simchat Torah? The Torah scroll is removed from the Ark of Covenant. It is a Jewish holiday that celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torah_reading), and the beginning of a new cycle. 2015 is the 120th Jubilee to conclude the six millennia of God's redemptive design and the ushering in of the millennial kingdom after 7 years plenty and 7 years of the Tribulation.