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View Full Version : 200 Million Man Army Now Feasible - Revelation 9.16

06-19-2015, 08:17 PM
"The number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand" (Rev. 9.16). That's 200 million.

In WW II there were 24 million alone in the military that died not taking into account civilians. 60 million civilians died on the allies side alone.

16 million allies soldiers and 8 million axis soldiers died. So the size of the army had to be much larger than this.


Russia fielded 20 million soldiers.
Germany 18 million soldiers.
USA had 12 million soldiers.
Combined allies had 42 million at wars end.


So as a rough estimate, the size of the total armies were 42 million for allies and and 25 million for axis powers. Total 67 million amassed in WW II.

The population in the 1940s was about 2.3 billion. The population will be close to 9 billion by 2029 when Jesus steps down on the mount of olives (before accounting for 1/3 of the population of the earth die during the Great Trib.)

"To slay the third part of men" (Rev. 9.15)


67,000,000 / 2.3 billion = 3% of the world's population. The total armies were 3% of the world's population in the early 40s.

3% of 9 billion is 270,000,000. 270 million is easily more than the Biblical amount of 200 million.