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02-15-2006, 01:22 PM
As I pray and pray, studying the Word daily, the Lord leads me into certain truths that I did not possess before, or should I say, appreciating them in ways I never experienced before. The deepest one of all is that of "voluntary poverty." The more you study examples in the Scriptures, and by checking your experiences for the fruit of the Spirit, you discover that in most cases it is God's will for the person to study the Word deeply till their last dime, and if they need to get a job, then get a job. If they have a job already, then keep that job, while studying the Word every opportunity you get. God will take care of us. If the birds and animals do not fret over their next meal, and somehow God takes care of them and finds a way for them, how much more will God take care of man made in His image, specifically those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ?

The reason why this needs to be done is because there is much to overcome as the flesh tries to rear its ugly head to war against the Spirit continually. So we need to take our eye off of ourselves and place it not on the world, but on Christ. We often still do not appreciate the flesh has died on the cross with Christ. Or we forget because of getting caught up in the world again. We had accepted our crucifixion with Christ, even so, there awaits fulfillment for a greater measure practically in resurrection life so that experience can catch up with the objective truth we have learned.

Can you be like Paul rich or poor, and still have the same faith that is full of joy and peace, unfazed? Many Christians will feel much differently having no money than when they had hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. Originally I misspelled dollars as dollards which sounds like dullards. That happened subconsciously. Few can bear separation from their money because of the dullness of mind and uncleanness of spirit. Paul was a spiritual Christian because he could bear it, even rejoice in it, to give glory to God not of his own strength but by the might of the Holy Spirit in his spirit. Watchman Nee was a spiritual Christian, because he was wealthy, then went into voluntary poverty and was no worse for the wear. Through church history there are a few cases of brothers and sisters in Christ who gave up the mammon of unrighteousness. This is a true test to receive rewards in the kingdom: this is the very same test Jesus gave to rich young man. (Matthew 19.16-30; Mark 10.17-31; Luke 18.18-30).

We may say 80% of Christians are in the world, 18 or 19% are in the world and following the Lord. Only 1% or 2% are fully relying on and in agreement with God's will. How very special will their reward be in the millennial reign of Christ. This is what I strive for. The Bible says we need to break into heaven violently. What this means is that we must lose our soul first in order to find it, enduring trials and tribulations to break our outer man further until it no longer has any strength of its own. It receives yet another incision from the cross which draws us near to worship God by the blood. And God gives us crosses to bear: works. It is a warfare: against the flesh, principalities and powers, and environment. Take the fight to Satan who seeks to find a passivity in you somewhere. In actuality, he has already lost at Calvary. By accepting Satan's absolute inability to do anything more we accept the authority of the cross.

Praise the Lord!