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View Full Version : LA Fitness Edmonton Racquetball Courts Closing Down by 2020

08-28-2015, 02:44 PM
LA Fitness Edmonton Racquetball Courts Will Be Closed Down by 2020 (http://biblocality.com/forums/showthread.php?5016-Banned-for-Life-from-the-Alberta-Racquetball-Association)

It's interesting how the world turns based on peoples' consciences and how God's judgment comes upon them. I spoke to the operations manager of LA Fitness in Edmonton yesterday, and he said within 2 years, so by the end of 2017 (possibly 2020), the 3 racquetball courts on 186 St. and Stony Plain Ave will be converted into Hot Yoga. The two middle walls will be torn down. Therefore, the non-Christians who tried to martyr a Christian, namely myself, are faced with the same judgment that came upon them when the Mayfield Field Athletic Club was closed down in 2012 and they were disbanded to play elsewhere. Mayfield, as you know, was permanently shut down because John Halko and Barbara May managed to get me banned from the facility (without a legitimate reason). Within a month of doing so, word was given that the facility was to be shut down permanently. The timing was uncanny. These same evil characters banned me from the Alberta Racquetball Association 2009 from sanctioned tournaments in Alberta even though I can play in tournaments in all the other provinces. The reason I was banned was because Barbara May lied to protect her hide to cover up her own negligence at my expense. This is called 'misdirection,' but when I exposed her publically her full wrath, with John Halko as her sidekick, came against me. I can't underestimate how evil this is! I would feel horrible if I did something like that to someone. They have no conscience and will steamroll over anyone who gets in their way without any consideration for morality. That should not be something to be proud of and poor business practice.

I've played nearly 30 tournaments across Canada in the past 3 years. It's funny because John Halko keeps sending complaints about me to Racquetball Canada Technical, and each time his attempts are rejected by Racquetball Canada. When you read his complaint you can see how deceitful he is. He makes stuff up and twists facts. I wrote on this and posted his complaint as well as the response from RC. And I detailed how he is being sneaky (http://biblocality.com/forums/showthread.php?5598-The-Attack-is-On-Again-by-My-Anti-Christian-Oppressors-August-26-2014&highlight=technical). He's morally bankrupt. Sinners will often rationalize their sin and flesh come Hell or high water. That's what is happening here by the partners in crime John Halko and Barbara May.

But since there is no repentance of this abusive behavior by heavy set John Halko-my jealous nemesis-and gargantuous Barbara May, we find that these non-Christians, hostile to Christ, will be disbanded YET AGAIN and will have to play at the Kinsmen Field House again which is like a dungeon. Whereas in a year's time us players at the Mayfield Rec Center (3 racquetball courts) will move back to playing at the Glen Allan Recreation Complex (4 racquetball courts, 2 squash courts) when renovations are completed by next year. I live within a mile of GARC so it's nice. I was wondering how God was going to enact further judgment, and this is how He said He will do it!

See what happens when you don't repent? I've played at LA Fitness twice now, just in the past two weeks with free passes with my Christian friend who is the best player in Edmonton to push me to help improve my game. He's also the youngest so that's good. Now the manager said they have 3000 clients who use the weights and only about 30 racquetball players. Economically it is not viable. I played with my Christian friend during the Thursday drop in night, but there was hardly anyone there. I was surprised how dead it was. So no wonder why they are shutting things down. The only people playing were Cam Bourque, the guy who cheats on his wife, who calls Christians "lunatics," though I think cheating on your wife constitutes lunacy more than believing in Jesus. He's not very tolerant. He was playing Al Bauman who also rejects Jesus as his Lord and Savior. They were unreceptive to the gospel of salvation in what Jesus did on the cross for the sins of the world. It should be noted Christians are willing to play racquetball with non-Christians, but a few hostile non-Christians have made it clear they are unwilling to play racquetball with Christians. It's funny because Al Bauman is not that good (I beat him 15-0, 15-3 last time we played in 2012) but he is all that Cam Bourque has to play with. Cam's game suffers because he doesn't have anyone to challenge him, and he doesn't want to play me. He's 78th in Canada and I am currently 20th (I've dropped from 9th when I was 45 to 20th today at 47). Perhaps he is just afraid to play me so covers up his real reason. He has never beaten me.

Recall, Manny Gregorio came up to me in 2012 and said him, Cam and Barry Ould (the unholy trinity of racquetball) were not willing to play me unless I apologize. Manny is the mastermind of this since he is the one who approached me. Apologize for what? He didn't say. I pressed him to explain himself. He danced around it. How ignorant! His hostility is most livid, but he doesn't understand where his hostility comes from. It is from the fact that he knows I know he is going to Hell because he is antichrist. So that's the story of those who are antichrist coming against a Christian in the racquetball community in Edmonton, the sport that I love and is virtually dead because those running the ARA do nothing to draw kids into the sport. What must be done is canvass the 5 or 10 elementary schools next to racquetball facilities. It's that simple. Pay someone $100 per school to give a 30 minute talk on the sport of racquetball and encourage youngsters to join the junior racquetball league.

Ryan Blackmore was there too on Thursday. He's an oddball. He claims to be a Christian, but in reality worships a false Christ because he thinks Mormons are saved (Mormons believed God use to be a man) and claims the Bible says nothing about being sanitary as he is a prolific nose picker and quite proud of it. Plus he kicked a woman (Di Burga) in the face and never apologized. He even tried to rationalize it. There were several witnesses of what he did to Di. She has since quit playing racquetball because she is uncomfortable being around Ryan. He is physically abusive and himself was abused by his mother. He never overcame it. Like mother like son. I have recorded several incidences of him being physically abusive towards others in the past 3 decades including towards me. I have no respect for him the way he has behaved the past couple of years. He's very quick to anger and will unleash his anger unexpectedly and unjustifiably. If you get to know him, you will soon discover this is the case. He is ready to blow up at any minute. The Bible says be slow to anger. He's too toxic to be around lately. Him and I ignore each other. For example, at the Nationals we came across each other's path several times but never said a word. Or when he was at the club, I challenged him to a game, but he said he only wanted to play recreational racquetball (so didn't play me at all), whatever that means, even though he was preparing for some tournament. That's doubleminded. We haven't played since (last time we played, I beat him 15-0, 15-1, 15-0, 15-1). He started shunning me, stopped playing me at racquetball, so I ignore him also. What else can I do? All because I called him out on these bad behaviors of his, he shuns me so I have no choice but to shun him too. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Christians should never act that way; Ryan's not a Christian. Self-righteousness is a sin of unrepentance. I cannot say Ryan is a good-intentioned soul. He has one hell of a hard-hearted, hard-headed angry streak!

God is calling for repentance of these sins and selfish, self-serving cover ups. Though I can't get someone to change his unethical behavior, I can at least document it here for posterity and the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.