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View Full Version : Why is Manny Gregorio an Ignoramus? (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

09-27-2015, 12:39 PM
Manny Gregorio Tries to Exalt His Flesh (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) (http://biblocality.com/forums/showthread.php?5016-Banned-for-Life-from-the-Alberta-Racquetball-Association)
The Psychology of the Flesh to Exalt Self​

Try to understand what's going on. I was playing racquetball at the Mayfield Athletic Club in 2012 for several months. After several months playing there, Manny Gregorio said to me, "I don't think you understand what is going on here" which came across as some perverted threat. Later he comes on the court and said to me, Barry Ould, Cam Bourque (the guy who cheats on his wife) and himself agreed they don't want to play me at racquetball unless I "apologize". Apologize for what I asked? Many did not know. He continued to press me while I was practicing on the court. Again I asked him, apologize for what? He did not say. So I told him to get off the court, I am practicing.

So I avoided them at their request not to play them. It's not like I need to play them. I have other people to play. I am currently 20th in Canada (in 2013 I was 9th in Canada), Barry is over 70 years old, Manny is over 60 years old, and none of them, including Cam, have ever beaten me at racquetball or even come close. Next thing I know, several weeks later, I am banned from the club. The manager of Mayfield said it was at the request of Barbara May and John Halko who are the main board members of the Racquetball Alberta association. They don't allow me to play in sanctioned tournaments since 2009 to deflect and misdirect away from what is really going on. I was banned after I publically exposed Barbara May for publically lying to protect her hide to cover up her own negligence at my expense. The immorality and unethical behavior of Barbara May is deplorable and detestable! It was also an abuse of power!

Within a month after I was banned from Mayfield word was given the entire facility was to be shut down permanently which it was by the end of that year (2012). That was God's judgment on their evil behavior against a Christian. They were disbanded to play in the prison cells of Kinsmen Field House. (Interestingly, in 2015 the L.A. Fitness club was completed in west Edmonton which had 3 racquetball courts. However, I was in the club for the first time a few weeks ago playing Darry Thomas and talked to the operations manager. He said within 2 years all 3 racquetball courts will be shut down and turned into hot yoga. They will tear down to the two middle walls. I can't help but think God's judgment is coming upon Barb, John, Manny, Barry and Cam, yet again, because they don't repent of their hostility and religious discrimination.)

What do all these 5 individuals have in common? They are all antichrist! That is, they reject Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Jesus said, if you are not for Him, you are against Him. "Whoever is not with me is against me" (Luke 11.23). They know that I know they are going to Hell so they lash out at me. Barry came up to me and said, "You are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball." Crazy stuff eh? These atheists are not as passive as they would like you to believe.

Go forward three years to the Vernon Splat Fest racquetball tournament Sept. 2015 (http://www.r2sports.com/tourney/drawsOut/view-bracket.asp?leftFrame=&TID=14260&divID=2&combinedID=0&print=&fromPage=&highlightMatchNum=&drawVar=&message=). At the beginning of the tournament, Manny Gregorio comes up to me and says to me, "You lost some weight lately." Lately? I am the same weight I have been for the past 3 years at 170. I said to Manny, what are you talking about? I am the same weight I have been for the past 3 years. He said, "I haven't seen you in three years" to which I was thinking, if you haven't seen me in 3 years then how can you know I lost weight "just lately"? To show you Manny is ignorant at best, at the Edmonton Open in 2014 a year ago, I was in the sauna at the Glen Allan Recreation Complex, and Manny came into the sauna and started talking to me. I was virtually naked so he had a good look at my weight. I wouldn't think a year ago constitutes "just lately."

Manny's flesh makes no sense. He is confused. "Conscientious and thoughtful" are not words I would use to describe him. Or it might not be that he is confused, but purposefully attempting to be cunning as he pathetically tries to exalt his flesh.

Then at the end of the Vernon Splat Fest tournament on Sunday, Manny came up to me in all seriousness and asked me what division was I playing in? He's being a weirdo! Manny was playing in the Open division at the age of 60+ and had to play the guy that I beat. I am 20th in Canada and Manny is 73rd in Canada. Why would he think I was playing in a division lower than him? Surely, he doesn't think he is better than me at racquetball, unless of course he is delusional. Why would Manny pretend to not know what division I was playing in? It's because the issue still remains outstanding between him and me, how he mistreated me. He tries, therefore, to rationalize his flesh instead of listening to his conscience, repenting and being decent person. Even now he exalts himself by making it seem like he doesn't care and has no idea what division I would be playing in. The truth is he knows exactly what division I am playing in and that I am 50+ ranking spots ahead of him in Racquetball Canada. This is his flesh hard at work to exalt self. That's all it is. The top 35 players are required to play the Open division and are not allowed to play in the lower Elite or A divisions.

This is how atheists act towards Christians. They play all kinds of unethical games. Though they may show more angst against Christians, they are basically this way to everyone. There really is a moral difference in the conduct of Christians who have the Holy Spirit indwelling and non-believers who have the evil spirit indwelling them. Manny is going to be resurrected, whether he likes it or not, to the Great White Throne to be judged and sent to Hell. It is said those who go to Hell effectively lock themselves in Hell from the inside because they are bad people. They want to be eternally separated from Jesus their Creator.

"All things were made by him [Jesus]; and without him was not any thing made that was made" (John 1.3).