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View Full Version : Christians Don't Get Elected - Ben Carson and Donald Trump

11-01-2015, 07:07 PM
Ben Carson is a 7th Day Adventist which means if you are not saved you are annihilated so there is no Hell, a place of eternal separation from God. 7th Day Adventists also predicted Jesus would return in the 1800s several time but when He didn't, they change their story and called it Investigative Judgment which means from then on when people die they IMMEDIATELY go to the Judgment Seat rather than 1 Thess. 4.14-18 resurrected together at the end of this age.

Donald Trump says he is a Presbyterian which is another way of saying he is a Calvinist; that is, he refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated, but instead declares pridefully on a pedestal he, like Hitler claimed of himself, was irresistibly selected, and the Jews were born for the gas chambers what Calvinists call "preterition". Trump believes those not saved were born for Hell with no opportunity for salvation. Crazy stuff!

If a Christian ran for office there is no way he would get elected, because these con jobs would get voted for instead. The public voters are just as daft as the candidates.