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11-05-2015, 01:10 PM
Summary of Gap Restoration

There are about 5 different creation views, but they are all wrong except one, because they don't agree with science. Only Gap Restoration works. I'll keep it as simple as possible so you get the idea.

Gen. 1.1 God created perfectly over 13.8 billion years. In so doing the earliest creatures were microbial and did not need to kill other creatures to survive. But then 1/3 of the angels in heaven rebelled against God and corrupted the genetic code of these tiniest living creatures so much so that by 70 million years ago they evolved into dinosaurs which were killing machines.

Consequently, God caused the earth to become desolate and waste in Gen. 1.2 due to the sin of the inhabitants of earth's earliest ages. The dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid.

Then came the restoration of creation which is summed up in the 6 days of creation. Hence the "gap". In the Hebrew the word for the 6 days are "restoration" not creation, because all God is doing is restoring what was originally already there.

Imagine if you will a haze over earth in the desolation. In the restoration light came back into view on day 1 so you could see the light, but not make out the sun or the moon yet. The atmosphere came back to earth. Of the 6 days, only day 2 is not called a "good day" because when the firmament was split, waters above from waters below, unfortunately and unavoidably up came some of those demons from the deep that were cast into the deep when God caused earth to become desolate and waste.

Day 4, of course, the sun and moon came into view because the haze had come off the earth. Day 6 man was made in God's image. In other words, the pre-Adamic man that evolved would cease to exist when he died. But adding up the ages of the Bible, we come to Adam who was born 4004 BC. He was made in God's image. Gen. 2.7 says the body was formed from dust (from pre-Adamic men). God breathed in the breath of life by His Spirit into the body of pre-Adamic man, directly creating his spirit, and when the spirit made contact with the body of pre-Adamic man, man became a living soul, with a body and a spirit. Man had 3 parts to him (Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23). His spirit gives him God-consciousness (which pre-Adamic men never had), his soul gives him self-consciousness, and his body gives him world-consciousness. The soul has the functions of reasoning, will and emotion. Your spirit gives you the functions of intuition, communion and conscience. And your body gives you your 5 senses.

What distinguishes pre-Adamic men who would cease to exist when they die and the Adamic race (and all men on earth since Adam) is that Adam will never cease to exist. Everyone from that point will be resurrected for either Heaven or Hell. Hell is simply the place of eternal separation from God for those who don't want to be with Him and His sons and daughters in Heaven. This is the enablement of free will.

Unfortunately, we are all born into sin from the rebellion of the first man. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That's why we need reconciliation because without it, we are all doomed to Hell. God can have no fellowship with sin. So if we accept the cross of God's forgiveness, shedding His precious blood, we are forgiven, die with Christ and have eternal life. Nothing is better, for now no accusation by Satan can work, because we have already died (to the flesh and our old man) and are really chosen by God before the foundations of the world.