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View Full Version : Supernatural Atheism and Non-Omnipresence of the God of Mormonism

11-30-2015, 08:35 PM
It is hard to believe the way Mormons describe God that they could ascribe to Him the quality of being omnipresent since their god use to be a man, but the Bible is clear the real God always was omnipresent, so therefore, Mormonism must be false and is a belief held through one's fleshly delusion, self-exaltation and pride.

No self-exalted man into a god could ever be omnipresent.


God knows exactly how many hairs you have on your head. You can imagine God alone from everlasting can do this, but not some god who use to be a man. God was always omnipresent and always will be. In Mormonism no such characteristic would make sense.

Isn't it also strange that if you ascribe to the sect of Mormonism in which there was one pre-existing God and used alleged preexisting material beside him to create humans, why is it that this God was not a man before when all the other gods of Mormonism were men before? Seems contrived and inconsistent.

In Christianity there is one meaning for God who was alone from everlasting as only One God can meet that criteria. Whereas in Mormonism there are different kinds of gods, a pre-existing one, and men who become gods from pre-existing material and intelligences. Whereas the Bible says there are no gods before God, beside Him or after Him. Alleged gods are just idols constructed by men of the flesh.

Mormons believe "that view [omnipresence of God] is internally self-contradictory and, given the fact that evil and suffering are real, not reconcilable with God's omnibenevolence or loving kindness (see Theodicy (http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Theodicy))." Atheists say the same thing as Mormons so Mormonism can be described as Supernatural Atheism.

http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Omnipotent_God%3B_Omnipresence_of_God%3B_Omniscien ce_of_God

Mormons say there is a conflict with evil if God is all powerful, all present and all knowing. There is no conflict if God righteously responds to all that rebel who become evil. If someone commits evil, God's grace is that that person should repent and can be forgiven if they accept the cross of salvation.

If it were the case that immediately after one person sinned the just response is Hell without any other recourse then nobody would ever be saved. Moreover, if a person could not rebel (so no evil) then humans would just be robots. Does that glorify God if He could only make robots and not men made in His image with free will? So it does not stand to reason in Mormonism than God can't be omnipotent because of evil.

Since the God of Christianity is omnipresent and the god of Mormonism is not, the God of the Bible trumps the god of Mormonism every time.