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12-31-2015, 10:38 PM
Some argue "Stephen Hawking rejects the idea that there was a before time" but they would be wrong since Stephen Hawking wrote, "The actual point of creation lies outside the presently known laws of physics" so outside time and space. His wife is a Christian. And Stephen, in his famous book that sold over 20 million copies, more than 20 times any other scientific book, said several times he believed in God and that science is quite meaningless without God's purposes. His most famous student who lived with him for a time was Don Page said, "I am a conservative Christian." Hawking said, "It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us." ('A Brief History of Time', 1988, p.127) Stephen Hawking said, "All the evidence seems to indicate that the universe has not existed forever, but that it had a beginning, about 15 billion years ago." An eternity of the past of cause and effects would be impossible, because if there was this infinite regress, you would by that definition have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened, having had an eternity to do so. That which does not exist can't cause anything. Hawking said, "we proved that time had a beginning." There are 3 ways to show when time was created: 1) Sloan Digital Sky Survey, 2) Two-Degree Deep Sky Survey, and 3) The W-Map which is the most accurate showing radiation. All 3 methods show the universe is 13.8 billion years old when time can into existence.

If you want to compare an alleged singularity or something else that brings time into existence to replace God bringing time into existence, simply compare to know which is true and which is false. A mind is needed to create a mind. Humans have minds. Since a singularity has no mind, God-conscious and self-conscious souls need a Creator Mind, for the lesser can never create the greater. A God mind is greater than a non-mind singularity. And the universe can't come from nothing for that which doesn't exist can't cause anything. It doesn't exist! We have evidence of trillions of cause and effects in nature, but no hard evidence of something from nothing. So that is an overwhelming preponderance of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Nothing leaves nothing from nothing. So we know the uncreated Creator is true. The question then becomes, which religion for the uncreated Creator is true?

Mormons are not Christians because the Bible says not even Hell can come against the Church so the Church did not disappear for 1800 years as Joseph Smith taught unless Jesus was a liar. Satan accuses Jesus of being a liar and so do Mormons. That alone reveals Mormonism is false. The church is defined as a locality of believers. Christianity is true and destroys Mormonism. Joseph Smith said he was the only one who could keep a church together. But that's not true since there are over 150 sects of the Mormon cult. He failed miserably since they don't get along with themselves.

The Jesus of Mormonism is not the Jesus of Christianity, for the latter created the entire universe in the Triune Godhead and atones at a greater level than the Jesus of Mormonism because that which exists outside of time and supersedes that which does not. The Jesus of Mormonism did not always exist and was created from intelligences whatever that is (nobody knows what Joseph Smith meant by that nor did he). Smith created intelligences to reject or replace God. The Holy Spirit is the life of the Father and the Son, not a separate being. I have the uncreated Creator in my spirit by the Holy Spirit something Mormons don't have so again, what I have in Christ supersedes what Mormons have. Anyone who does not accept the Jesus who atones on the cross and salvation is by faith alone (not works) according to the Bible is going to Hell. Mormons believe in salvation by works but that is just pride speaking. Only God can bridge the gap, not your works. Since the 66 books of the Bible are perfect, Mormons would be wrong to change things that don't agree with them by claiming the Bible is true only insofar as they say so. Any cult can come along and do that. Mormons don't distinguish themselves.

Joseph Smith said the New Jerusalem temple would be built in Missouri within his generation from 1832. Even someone 100 years old by 1932 never saw the New Jerusalem in Missouri. Moreover, that is a misreading of the Bible, for Revelation 21 says there is no temple in the New Jerusalem for God and the Lamb will be the center thereof. Nobody can see God the Father for God is spirit, but they will see Jesus the Lamb at the center of the New City New Jerusalem. The 3 Persons of the Godhead made it so God the Son would be the fullness of the Godhead bodily and can be seen. Furthermore Missouri is only about 264 x 264 miles. The New Jerusalem in Rev. 21 is 1379 x 1379 miles. Smith is very careless and easy to expose for his fraud. I don't consider him very intelligent since these are obvious mistakes on his part.

There are 3 views of Mormons: 1) God and intelligences didn't always exist but had a cause, and so on and so on for an eternity of the past; 2) God always existed but created intelligences to create spirit babies; 3) God always existed and so did intelligences alongside God. The problem is the Bible says God was alone from everlasting, nothing beside Him, and He created from out of Himself, not intelligences, so that destroys all 3 views of Mormonism. That's sneaky to create multiple views for if one doesn't work they can try to fall back on another; but they all fail!

The other thing that stands out to me is that if you only start from 19th century there have been 10 generations at 20 years per generation. The population in the last two centuries averaged about 4 billion souls per generation. If 1% of the population become gods of their own planet (including praying for the dead), 1% of 4 billion = 40 million gods in just the first generation. After 10 generations there are 40 million^10 = 10^80 gods. There are only 10^80 particles in the entire universe. It doesn't add up! And not only that it assumes every planet is habitable and not hostile. Over 800 variables Hugh Ross (scientist) said are needed for life to exist on another planet. There are only 10^24 planets in the universe not enough to meet the demand of those 800 variables or the 10^80 gods needed just from two centuries alone. What about going back all the way to Adam 4004 BC? There would be even more!

The Greek spirit of Mormo was said to bite into children who were bad. This puts fear into children. That is not love. Nurses in the Byzantine era would tell the story of Mormo to keep children in line. Joseph Smith took from this Greek spirit the name for his cult so that when children are indoctrinated at a very early age, generation after generation, they are too fearful to question and double check anything, nor think critically, thus violating Scripture which says to "prove all things".