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View Full Version : Abraham and Facsimile #1

01-01-2016, 04:44 AM
Obviously, this "major victory" Paul Gregersen declares does not address the true crux of the issue with the BOA. Concerning the POGP's BOA, the Prophet Joseph Smith stated, "A Translation of some ancient Records that have fallen into our hands from the catacombs of Egypt. The writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt, called the Book of Abraham, written by his own hand, upon papyrus." (See History of the Church, 2:23 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bm6Npd1Hjw&t=2m23s)5–36, 348–51.)

The raw fact is: The papyrus paper used in the POGP was manufactured long after the time of Abraham; therefore, Abraham couldn’t have personally written his account upon that scroll. A matter of fact, at the time of Abraham, ink did not exist yet and the use of papyrus pulp wasn't for that of writing paper. In reality Paul’s "major victory" spiel is as valid as Bush's "Mission Accomplished" speech.

You can simply prove to yourself Joseph Smith was a liar, con-artist and a fraud because the few pages of papyri and facsimile that Joseph Smith translated and blanks filled in was just made up, because it doesn't correlate at all to what Egyptologists produce. No mention of Abraham at all in the book of Abraham of Joseph Smith.

The jackal's head is not a human head and there was no knife. It is clearly an Egyptian burial. Period. No human sacrifice of Abraham. All the other items were incorrectly labelled also.

If a Mormon can't recognize the simplicity of this proof that a court lawyer said is an iron clad case, the Mormon should begin to question his own sanity.

Do you think Mormons know they are going to Hell because they are obviously delusional when they claim Abraham actually wrote BOA?


01-26-2016, 08:11 PM
Mormon curtain often feels like the Iron Curtain (http://mormoncurtain.com/).

Facsimile #1 totally wrong.

Mormon Bandwagon (https://mormonbandwagon.com/eric_n/leaving-the-church/)