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View Full Version : 10^24 Planets but 10^99 Gods

01-17-2016, 03:35 PM
What do you think of this approach?

Are there enough planets for Mormonism to be true? There are 10^24 planets in the universe. Starting from the 19th century at 25 years per generation there have ben 8 generations so far. The population begins at 1 billion in the 19th century and averages about 4 billion for the past two centuries. Let's say 1 out every 100 people is a Mormon God of a planet. 1% of 4 billion = 40 million gods. After 8 generations that's 6.6 ^60 gods. That is far more gods than there are planets for.

How do Mormons solve this problem? I would assume one of the gods just creates more universes. But which god creates the next universe? And what about people who lived before Joseph Smith's time? Are they all going to Hell? Can they still become gods too by baptizing the dead? If so, then there are more than 10^99 planets needed which is an impossible number.