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View Full Version : Oaxaca and Ruins of Monte Alban Delusional Site for Jaredite Land of 'Moron'

01-31-2016, 08:58 PM
FARMS 1991 Tour

Oaxaca and Ruins of Monte Alban is the delusional site for Jaradite Land of 'Moron' -- no, this is not a misspelling, but it is really called the "Land of Moron".

You know you are in a cult when you don't question yourself when the word "moron" is a special part of your faith.

Mormons have to guess these places. Whereas we really know where the dead sea is and where Bethlehem is.

That's funny. Joseph Smith digs up his invisible plates in some place in New York said to be the hill of Cumorah and yet there is a Cumorah in central America too to visit on the FARMS 1991 Tour. Why would Smith dig them up in central America then travel all the way to New York? Funny.

Many Mormon leaders have said Adam was born in North America. Mormons are more insane than people in insane asylums. Guess where? You guessed it, west Missouri where the New Jerusalem was suppose to be built within a generation, but never happened. West Missouri was where the Garden of Eden really was according to them.

Do you start to get the impression Mormons know they are insane and are Jew haters, because the Bible is clear the 3rd Temple belongs in Jerusalem, and the New Jerusalem is on a New Earth, not Missouri.

The sign next to the Mormon Garden of Eden is in Missouri says the "Tower Hill is the name given by Joseph Smith because of the remains of an old Nephite altar (History of the Church 3:35). The exact location of the structure is not known today and there is no visual evidence remaining."

How can there be "remains of an old Nephite altar" while at the same time "the exact location of the structure is not known today and there is no visual evidence remaining"?

Why is Joseph Smith always claiming evidence, but it doesn't exist?
