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View Full Version : Christian and Atheist Debate -- Why Was There Killing?

06-02-2016, 09:30 PM
The reason why there is killing among creatures is because of sin. Free will would not truly be free if a creature doesn't have this free choice. For example, even before the Garden of Eden there was killing, animals feasting on animals, because sin was in them, and that sin came from Satan the father of lies. What did God do about this? Well, 65 million years ago according to Gen. 1.2 He caused the earth to become desolate and waste because of the sin of the inhabitants of earth's earliest ages (dinosaurs). Then the 6 days sum up the period of restoration after Gen. 1.2. I could say more, but you get the point.

God is all powerful doesn't mean He prevents someone from sinning otherwise they would just be robots. God is all-knowing so just because God knows you are going to rebel doesn't mean He should cause you to never come into existence. He wants fellowship with sinlessness, not robot sinlessness but free will sinlessness. God is all benevolent, but in wanting the very best, He is not going to turn His creation into robots who can't sin, otherwise, free will is not truly free and you would not be created maximally great in God's image with a spirit, soul and body for God to interact with.


The Atheist asked if there is free will and no suffering or sin in Heaven then why did God need to make this world?

The answer is simple: the Holy Spirit works in a person to bring that person to sinlessness eventually. Since atheists will never have the Holy Spirit indwelling they must go to Hell.

The Atheist asked why does Japan, heavily atheist, have such a low crime rate? It's not because of atheism but because they are the most elderly nation on the planet. They are a bunch of old people. Old people tend to commit less crime.

The Atheist asked whether the kingdom of heaven is within or without? Both are true. And the mount of transfiguration was a scene of Jesus returning to earth to reign in the millennial kingdom. The kingdom of heaven is our Christian conduct, the outward appearance ("Christendom" though not all saved), and the reigning in the millennial kingdom to come.
