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View Full Version : The Greatest Calvinist Video of All Time!

08-05-2016, 11:47 PM
The Calvinist must take the position either the Bible is wrong when Jesus tells people to repent and believe in Him (Matt. 4.17), or God is sadistic. Which is it?

Calvinism has to be true! Inspired by James White, John Piper, and Adolph Hitler.

There is nobody to blame for your sin except God if you are irresistibly selected and yet keep on sinning. How can it really be your fault for sinning? It must be God's fault. And since it is God's fault it doesn't matter what you do, rape and kill, because it is always God's fault. You have free license to do whatever you want and be justified.

Do you see how Calvinism is a conduit to increase in being as evil as you can be? Hitler is a product of Calvinism claiming him and his Aryan race were irresistibly selected, and the Jews were born for the gas chambers, preteritioned (passed over) with no opportunity for salvation.

As Dave Hunt said, What kind of love is that?

But if you have free will, prevenient grace -- sufficient grace to have the free choice --, then you have nobody to blame but yourself. You have to grow up and take responsibility for yourself, your feelings and your actions. If you have nobody to blame but yourself then you just might come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior to be regenerated.

No longer do you prop yourself up on a pedestal declaring you were irresistibly selected and lording over others by claiming they were born for Hell with no opportunity for salvation.
