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View Full Version : Why Do Some Choose Christ and Others Do Not? Leighton Flowers vs. Matt Slick

08-17-2016, 01:08 AM
Matt J. Slick said you don't need to humble yourself to be saved. Therefore, he doesn't come to the cross as a helpless sinner. Humility is severely lacking in Slick and Calvinists.

Slick's biggest issue is he doesn't understand how one person can be humble to accept the Lord and another person isn't? My answer to that is it is free will. A couple dozen times in the ASV freewill is stated.

Free will is a property of God's omniscience so as God has free will so do we. We don't ask God why He chooses one method over another any more than we ask ourselves why some choose Christ and others do not.

When Leighton tells Slick is that Slick is assuming determinism when he asks that question. You can't ask the question without assuming predeterminism.

Slick in exalting himself above God is trying to get into God's head telling God what He thinks by demanding God say why one person chooses and another does not. It's free will. It's an illogical question because it predisposes determinism. We believe in freewill the exact same term the Bible uses. The person determines his choice.

Leighton let Slick off the hook when Slick insisted he is not a determinist but he was presupposing determinism in his question when he kept asking why one person believes and not another. The Calvinist says they are irresistibly selected to do so which is determinism.
Humans have AUTONOMOUS FREE CHOICES. Slick says we do not. Aseity of God doesn't prevent man to be an independent being.

I believe all Calvinist whether strong or weak are all full determinists. Even when Slick says he has libertarian free will, he still believes in the secret will of his god's full determinism. He will dance around this so be careful. Doubletongued is the name of the game.

Matt is confused by repenting and believing (go to 1:57:35). Are faith and works contrasted as opposites? "By grace are ye saved, through faith;...not of works" (Eph. 2.8-9); "But to him that worketh not, but believeth..." (Rom. 4.5). Therefore, when the Bible says repent and believe these are not OT laws to do to be saved, but they are salvation by faith since faith and works are contrasted as opposites. We should not combine what the Bible distinguishes.

Slick always resorts to the covenantal people in the OT and the church in the NT when being told to repent. But Jesus speaking to the Pharisees told them to repent (Matt. 23). So they can repent even though they are not believers. Granting repentance is enabling which is Libertarian free will. Granting is not irresistibly imposed. Humility is you can't earn your salvation. Calls to humility and repentance are all over the Bible.

The Bible says repent and be converted so repentance and faith, and being humble, if they are the law then God is saying you can do these laws to be saved as the package and precursor of having faith, yet they are not works since faith and works are contrasted. We are saved by faith. Not all the time, but one time, is one time enough to be born-again by accepting the gospel of salvation for initial salvation.

The idea of the law in the OT is that if you keep the law you can be saved, but nobody can keep the law. So by being humble and repenting is not good enough in keeping the law, because you will break the law one way or another. Salvation is by faith, therefore, but like John the Baptist taught repentance we need repentance before we can believe. If we are arrogant we certainly won't accept the gospel of salvation. All our works are filthy rags, that is why we must believe in Christ. Humility is accepting we can't keep the law. This is repentance which leads to faith.

The confusion stems from the law of humility and repentance when we are trying to keep the law but we are not saved by the law. Yet John the Baptist didn't have a problem with this, nor did Jesus when He send to repent and believe in Him. So is it not possible even though we can't keep the law to be saved we can't apply these precursors that lead us to faith in Christ? In other words, we can have bouts of repentance and faith enough to meet the condition for God giving us His life.

He can take this mustard seed of faith and turn into faith enough to believe to be saved.


A conversation with Jesus and a Calvinist at the Great White Throne

I think an OSAS Arminian remains an OSAS Arminian and the more he learns, the more he stays with what he believes; and the Calvinist stays with what he believes getting harder and harder so much so that when he is before the Great White Throne...

Jesus tells him, "Repent because you have never believed in Me." The Calvinist will say, "I already repented when God made me to repent." Jesus then says, "I AM GOD and you did not repent." Jesus continues... "Repentance is not assuming you are irresistibly selected and this caused you to repent and believe. You need to genuinely repent and believe only then will you be regenerated. When you said you were regenerated making you repent and believe that was not MY regeneration but Satan's facsimile."

Before throwing James Slick into Hell, Jesus asks Matt White, "Will you now repent and believe in me to be regenerated?" James Slick's last statement is, "No, I don't know you, you are not the God I believed in. I reject you. My whole life was worshiping God. I don't know you."

Jesus then hands him the keys, and James walks to the door into Hell, opens the door, and locks it from the inside and throws away the key.