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09-03-2016, 09:01 PM
TULIPS use to be worth more than a large home then came crashing down like Calvinism does every hundred or two hundred years or so. In Calvinism God like Satan hated people first that's why they hated God. So in Calvinism God is author of sin just like Satan is. There is no distinction between them.

Calvinists repeat non-distinctives. They do this which shows how small their bubble is.

The main thing a Calvinist asks always is why does one person get saved and another does not? By asking this question they presume determinism and the conflation of God's saving grace with man's freewill. Because they presume this they think they legitimize the question, but the question is a false one because it presumes irresistible grace and not prevenient grace. For if prevenient grace is true then the reason why someone accepts Christ and another person does not is because it is bound up in that person's sovereign free choice. They determine their own choosing in the set of variable choices afforded by God in any given setting.

The early church fathers fought against the fatalistic determinism of the gnostics. There are 300 kinds of Calvinism, but they all have one thing in common: fatalistic determinism.

Why are most Calvinists young white males? Does this have to do with the young white Aryan race of Hitler's Calvinists? Are Calvinists trying to rekindle the 3rd Reich. Women almost exclusively reject Calvinism because feelings do matter. We are not feelingless beings. Women can tend to emphasize their emotion more than men do. Of course conscience and intuition of our spirit and the volition of our soul are immensely important as well.

Cheap grace is assuming you are irresistibly selected. It' an easy-believism. God will never save a person with that attitude. The idol of Total depravity is one prevents a person from coming to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior to be regenerated. We must rebuke Calvinists who reject the gospel of salvation Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. Because they are increasingly taking over society today. They are a dangerous element of society like Hitler and Donald Trump are.


That was a Freudian slip by Leighton when he said he believes in "PRESERVERANCE". That's not a word but Satan's conflation of perseverance and preservation. Perseverance is works based salvation. Whereas OSAS Arminians are preserved. There is no partial Total depravity -- that's a self-refuting statement. Total is not partial.