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09-04-2016, 12:54 AM
Calvinists Really are Demonically Possessed

When you talk to Calvinists you can use all the regular arguments but nothing penetrates because they are demonically possessed. However, you might see the steam coming out of their ears which is always fun. For someone who wants not to be demonically possessed has to want to be delivered, but the Calvinist does not want release from the demon that controls them for it feeds their pride and they like how it feels.

The Calvinist erects himself on a pedestal pridefully and pompously declaring himself irresistibly selected. How great he must be! Prior to this there was no searching God out with all their heart and soul, and therefore no possibility of repentance or faith. God neither gave them the gift of repentance nor the gift of faith to receive the gift of regeneration (born-again) and eternal life. In the split moment of time they believed they were irresistibly selected their acceptance of fatalistic determinism took over and nobody was going to dissuade them from that. It was at that moment the demon of Calvinism entered their hearts, their minds, their souls.

The question that you will keep hearing crop up by Calvinists is why does someone accept God and another person does not? They desperately long for the answer. This question though presumes falsely determinism, for a deterministic answer, irresistibly imposed cause. They are bringing God down to their level of understanding. There is no deterministic answer, so the question is a false one. What you can say is since we are made in God's image and we all have prevenient grace to have the free choice, we determine our own choices freely within, of course, the parameters God has set in any given scenario.

Since the Calvinist despises this answer you know you have them right where you want them! They refuse to accept it because they adamantly insist that they were Totally depraved before they were allegedly irresistibly selected. Total depravity provides for them the deterministic explanation to be irresistibly selected. But there is no Total depravity in the Bible. Let us rely on the Bible. Man is depraved but not Totally. Man has experienced cessation of communication with God, disassociated from life, rendered insensitive, and separated from God. But in all this man is still not Totally depraved. You can still help an old lady across the street. Praise the Lord! As the Bible says even sinners do good things sometimes. When the Bible speaks of man as totally filthy rages it is simply stating man can't keep the law, not even close, and the exasperating condition of man. It is not a reference to the idolatry of Total depravity.

Romans 9 has nothing to do with Calvinism and the objector is not OSAS Arminians. The objector is the Jewish person who contends with God because he assumed everyone was saved in his lineage and assumed that if you do a good job of keeping the works of the law you are saved also. The clay simply refers back to Jer. 18 that God is flexible and responsible like a potter with clay. He is willingly to bunch up the clay again and break off a part in response to Israel rebelling again. This is God's judicial hardening and the noble cause is the piece broken off to deliver God's message by workers of the body of believers.

God is judicially hardening Calvinists. He is allowing the demon in them to fester, only then might they give their life to Christ one day, because they would not receive the Lord before judicially hardening them. This explains why when you give them an analogy that parallels their beliefs in Calvinism, the Calvinists does not register (he shuts his mind down), and will all the more likely not even respond to the analogy because their conscience is seared. Let me give an example.

You tell your 4 year old child to take the couch upstairs before you get home. When you get home your child did not do what you made the child unable to do, and for this, you reprimand the child because this gives glory to the god of Calvinism. Let's try another example.

Two children are playing in quicksand not realizing they are sinking. And adult comes by and extends an arm out to both of them to come out but only the one child grabs hold while the other does. Both received ample grace, perhaps one more than the other, but both received sufficient grace. The way the Calvinist adult acts is to extend an arm out to the one child but gives no help whatsoever to the other child. He even him a push so he sinks faster. This is called preterition -- completely passing over -- or, double predestination and equal ultimacy depending on what type of Calvinist you are. They are distinctions without a difference. As Dave Hunt said, What Love is This? Let's try another example.

Your friend is absolutely wasted, walks out of the bar, pulls his keys out and is about to get in his car. He is sure to get in an accident. You are his friend and do nothing. Jesus was the friend of sinners; Calvinists not so much. You stand by and let him get in his car to drive off. Again, this is how the god of Calvinism treats people he claims were born for Hell with no opportunity for salvation. This no doubt manifests in their every day life and bad things happen because of the decrepit morality of Calvinists. Let's try one more so there can be no misunderstanding how evil Calvinists are.

Hitler had his irresistibly selected Ayran race and claimed the Jews were born for the gas chambers without any opportunity of escape. I believe Hitler was an advanced Calvinist far more advanced than John Calvin the murderous Protestant Pope of Geneva. Calvin only killed 65 people for rejecting Calvinism and banished another 85. Hitler killed 30-40 million with the same principle teaching.

There are 300 kinds of Calvinism, but they all have one thing in common. At some point along the way in their Satanic chain of redemption -- misreading Rom. 8 -- there is an ugly irresistible selection and irresistible non-selection sugar coated as irresistible grace, unconditional election, limited atonement, and persevering. This is fatalistic determinism because the god of Calvinism is the author of sin like Satan is the author of sin. By the way why are Calvinists "persevering" to keep saved if they believe salvation is not by works? Persevering is not the right choice of words under any OSAS system.

Calvinists even confused Leighton Flowers because he used the word PRESERVERANCE conflating OSAS Arminian "perseverance" with Calvinist "perseverance." He even said he believes in partial Total depravity. How can something Total be partial? See how deceptive Satan is? Leighton Flowers makes the mistake of appeasing Calvinists by calling them Christians. But look what happens when he does that? They avoid debates with him anyway, cutting off the line of communication, and he uses false words like "preserverance" and false phrases like "partial Total depravity." Crazy stuff!

One Calvinist says to me if there is freewill then man is responsible for his own salvation and usurps God. But the very same Calvinist said Adam and Eve had free will. You're not going to believe this but that Calvinist had the audacity to say freewill in Calvinism is permissible but not in OSAS Arminianism. Doublestandards are unethical.