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03-04-2006, 04:42 AM
Taking the Land Back

Two and a half tribes did not cross over to the other side of Jordan which is more than 20% of the army depleted. They had to fight to get what they wanted (for they were not allowed to come in peacefully: the letter of peaceful entry was rejected), but with 20% less strength against 31 Canaanite cities.

The archangel Michael fought with Satan over Moses' grave. If Israel was allowed to find the grave of Moses, after Israel prayed for 30 days (normally praying over someone lasts one week), they would have built a great idol on the side of Jordan where the two and a half tribes went, that is, on the side of the Moabites and Edomites. Praise God, Satan failed in that effort!

So what happens when those in the Church do not fight the good fight towards Biblical locality? What happens when you sit the battle out and let others do the fighting and praying?

1) You discourage others from fighting the fight. If you don't fight with them, why should they continue the good fight!

2) You're saying what they are doing is not important, since you don't get involved. By not getting involved in Biblical locality, you are saying it is not important.

3) You're saying it is not worth the effort. That the pursuit of Biblical locality where Apostles are directly commissioned by God to appoint Elders to take care of locality - miniature of the new city in the new earth - is not a worthy pursuit. The enemy has taken Biblical locality away from the Church for hundreds and hundreds of years, and there it remains, stripping the Church of its right to this strength and will of God.

4) And, you're saying you can fall short and it's still ok. God will still bless you anyway even though the inheritance is on the other side of Jordan.

What happened to those in the Gad tribe on the other side of Jordan? It took them 7 days to get to Jerusalem when men over 20 had to go to Jerusalem 3 times a year, at Passover, Pentecost and Shelters. So Gad built their own temple in the hills. I always wondered why Gad is a word so close to God; because, they are trying to be like God doing it their own way. I truly believe this. Did you know the legion of demons the disciples experienced in a man was in the land of Gadarenes? (Mark 5.1) Jesus encountered more demons in this area than any other area in all of Israel because Gad was the farthest away from Israel and built their own alter. A lack of Biblical locality will produce comfortable demons, even demonations or denominations.

Their temple, they could talk about God, but worship was not available in any depth. Judah and Benjamin were right next door to Jerusalem. Your main alter should be the local church, and by local church we do not mean a local congregation, but the reclaiming of Biblical locality as the church locale unit in which the apostles appoint elders to take care of a Biblical locality and its many meeting places. And one of those meeting places should be the nearest meeting place from your home. If you have to start a meeting place up yourself, so be it, even if there are only 2 or 3 gathered, but don't dare you go into that RCC building, Pentecostal or Presbyterian, etc. Don't dare you do that! A meeting place is not part of man's denominations with their so-called apostles that teach so wrongly, nor is it an indepedent congregation or indepedent church, like huddling in a corner. Do not say "I am of Cephas," or "I am of Apollos;" don't even say "I am of Christ" in this context like saying you are a non-denominational independent. Independency is wrong! The word "church" is so confused now, there is absolutely no appreciation for the fact that a church has as its boundary the Biblical locality. Satan is having a heyday!

What was this demon possessed man doing? He was living in the past in a cementery, living among dead things. A tomb represents something that had life, but is no longer. People are living in the past, not looking to the future. (Mark 5)

People will try to tie you up the wrong way with chains just like men tried to tie the man. He was crying and no one was hearing him which was in the inside. He was cutting himself with stones to commit suicide. But Jesus stood off the boat and broke the bondage in Gad. Zeus offerings use to be where Gad was, which were offerings of pigs that he received. But when the demons went into the pigs and the pigs died in the sea, Jesus got rid of crummy offerings of denominations.

If you are not around God fearing people then the evil spirits will get comfortable and send their demons into the Church too. If you are around calvinists, or historicalists, bipartites or others who have false teaching, it will create an opening for strongholds to be gained in your mind.

But the presence of Jesus tormets the devil (Mark 5.7). The spirits of male-centric religion have to leave. Independency is removed. Biblical locality returns. The Jesus factor conquers the Gad factor.