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View Full Version : The Judas Kiss of Barbara May, Kathryn Iwaasa and Milton Iwaasa

01-10-2017, 02:44 PM
The Judas Kiss of Kathryn Iwaasa, Barbara May and Milton Iwaasa (http://biblocality.com/forums/showthread.php?5016-Banned-for-Life-from-the-Alberta-Racquetball-Association)

I didn't plan to write this, it just came to me as I was reading Matthew 26. It relates to my situation so I wanted to convey the point and preserve it for posterity. I recall in 2009 when I was setting up a tournament called the Alberta Racquetball Top 16 Invitational I was required by Alberta Racquetball to have a meeting with Barbara May to be able to run the tournament. We had that meeting and she approved of the tournament and said she would recommend it to the board of Alberta Racquetball.

All I know next is that she sent an email to about a dozen people saying I was not competent to run the tournament and falsely accused to others by saying she told me not to use the R2Sports program, but that I went ahead and did it anyway. This, of course, was a total lie on her part since we were talking about the program for a week at least, how to use it (she didn't know), finding out whom to get it from, and John Halko said to contact Usher Barnoff (president of Racquetball Canada at the time) for the login and password which I did. Marc Caouette even registered his son, Kevin Caouette, in the tournament which Barb was aware of because Marc also showed up later to the meeting.

Next thing I know after I exposed Barbara May publically for lying to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence, I was told Alberta Racquetball was convening to ban me. I had no say in the matter. It was very much like how Jesus was treated. I quickly responded to this rouse by sending an email across Canada about this abusive behavior. I had access to the database through the R2Sports program. She did not anticipate I would expose her unethical behavior and call her out!

So all this reminded me of the Judas kiss by Judas. "His betrayer had given them a sign: The one I kiss, he's the one; arrest him" (Matt. 26.48). I am reminded when I was in a tournament in Brossard, Quebec Milton Iwaasa came up to me and asked if I would like it if he would appeal to Alberta Racquetball to reinstate me in tournaments, and I told him I would rather people see how Christians are treated by those hostile to Jesus such as atheists. They don't care for the truth they just want to slam the Christian. The longer this goes on for the worse they look. Reg Atkins also approached me at the Nationals in Burnaby and said he wanted to appeal to Alberta Racquetball on my behalf to remove the ban. It never happened. Hostilities by Halko and May only escalated. Atheists don't tend to repent of their sins but cover them up and rationalize them come hell or highwater. This is no way to be. Many others through the years have said what they are doing is not right and certainly doesn't constitute a valid reason for banning. They told me to hold strong.

Jesus responded, "Every day I use to sit, teaching in the temple complex [playing in the racquetball courts], and you didn't arrest me" (v.55). All my life I have played racquetball until Barbara May came along. All for self to protect her hide by attempting to cover up her own negligence. Her negligence, in her view, was not telling me to not use the program until she said so. Even after playing at the Mayfield in Edmonton for several months in 2012, Halko and May's aggression continued when they contacted the manager of the club to have me banned from the facility. What conspiring evil! I truly believe God intervened at that point when we learned shortly after the club was going to be replaced by hotel rooms by the end of the year. They were disbanded to play elsewhere such as in the dungeons of the Kinsmen Sports Centre.

Between the partners in crime of Barba May and John Halko they must have sent a dozen complaint letters to Racquetball Canada from 2009 to 2016 as false witnesses. At what point do so many letters become harassment? Jack McBride sent his own as well. He was president for part of this time. Jack rejects Jesus is God. He got very angry when I told him he is mistaken thinking he is a Christian since he rejects Jesus is God. Barry Ould epitomizes this hatred of God when he said, "You are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball." "The chief priests [Terry Nelson of Racquetball Canada] and the whole Sanhedrin [quorum of 3 at Racquetball Canada] were looking for false testimony against Jesus [cf. Troy Brooks] so they could put him to death [put to death from playing sanctioned tournaments]. But they could not find any [no action was taken from 2009 to 2016]; though many false witnesses came, yet found they none" (vv. 59,60). Not till 2016 when Terry Nelson was bombarded with 3 complaint letters in one week from Halko, May and Kathryn Iwaasa, did he give in. The letters have no substance, as short as can be, and are quite twisted, e.g. John Halko accuses of religious discrimination over his atheistic stance. I didn't realize atheism was a religion, nor does he say how I am discriminating. On the contrary I am banned for my faith. How is that not discrimination? His letters are as short as they are coy. I have put them all up on the Internet.

A Christian friend said to me there are two groups at LA Fitness in Edmonton. One group is headed by John Halko (including Jack McBride, Manny Gregorio, Barry Ould, and Cam Bourque) and the other that just wants me back playing racquetball which I have been, resurrected back on the court. Terry Nelson's verdict is in: "Remove all videos and posts related to this matter." I simply cannot do that. If I were to do that I would be sinning. God wants me to expose unrighteousness, not cover it up. Not to mention the fact who determines whether a post or video is related to this matter or not? I do not even know what post Terry Nelson is offended by. He would have to list the specific videos and posts he would want me to remove. I am not a mind reader.

Colum Barry said something interesting. When he was at Mayfield, he asked Manny, Cam, Barry and John, "Who is the best player in Edmonton?" Manny apparently said Cam, Barry said Manny, John said himself, etc. But none of these players has ever beaten me in a game or even come close. So Colum naturally said to them, "Troy is the best." After all I got to 9th in Canada at the age of 46 in 2013 when I was the oldest person in the Open Division at the Nationals. When Colum said that he noted how angry they got. Colum told me this story. Manny, Cam, Barry and John are all atheists. This is where their hostilities lie. They know I know they are going to Hell according to the Bible. They hate God. Naturally by hating God they hate Jesus since Jesus is God, and they hate Christians since we are saved and they are not. Cam's wife is not a Christian. She is a Roman Catholic. For many reasons Roman Catholics are not Christians, but the most important is they claim they can lose salvation once saved, showing they were never born-again and reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth for 1000 years (see Rev. 2.26,27; chapters 19 and 20). I bring up Cam because he was integral in having me banned. When he emailed dozens of people, calling me a "lunatic" for believing in Christ, I responded and said that he cheats on his wife, as I know the person he slept with, for I slept with her too. She would come forward to testify. Cam was proud of it. She admitted it. But because I pointed out this immoral behavior is that of a "lunatic" atheist, something a Christian wouldn't do, I was banned. Of course, Cam denied it, but what do you do expect from someone who cheats on his wife. This was not the only time too. He won't repent or feel remorse. Whereas the Holy Spirit would restrain a Christian from such sin.

Finally in 2016 "at last two false witnesses came forward" (v.60) . They "stated..." their false accusations (v.61). They bombarded Racquetball Canada. Terry Nelson did not stand on principle but expediency! After that Jesus was stripped bare. Finally I was banned from Racquetball Canada ultimately under the impetus of Kathryn Iwaasa the wife of Milton Iwaasa. The objective was to ban me from Racquetball Canada since they already banned me from Alberta Racquetball sanctioned tournaments and knew that constant pressure on Racquetball Canada with never ending complaint letters would eventually lead to my being banned whether I did something wrong or not. Her complaint letter for my attempting to lead her to Christ directly led to banning me from RC.

I didn't know an association like Racquetball Canada should weigh in on religious matters. Keep Church and state separate. One can't help but think Terry and McBride are attempting to please Kathryn Iwaasa by banning me in hopes her son (Coby Iwaasa) would come back to play racquetball again one day. He was the Canadian National Champion. I am their human sacrifice and Coby is their idol. Coby's parents have brainwashed Coby into Mormonism which is a cult that believes like atheists that matter always existed and there is no uncreated Creator even though Jesus said He created all things. They masquerade and coat their religion around these lies in order to reject God of the Bible 18 centuries after Jesus died on the cross. The full word of God was already compiled in 66 books across 1500 years by 40 authors in complete agreement. What is this new cult now that we are suppose to adhere to? The heresies of Mormonism are extensive, e.g. racism, polygamy, pedophilia, rape, murder, conning people, and subsequent imprisonment for thesir crimes. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was a very bad guy! To be in a religion associated with him speaks volumes about your own moral character.

The very family (Iwaasa family) that said they wanted to help me are the very ones who hurt me. This is [B]the whole point of the Judas Kiss. It's a complete betrayal. And Kathryn is even on the board of Alberta Racquetball.

After you read this you appreciate evil doesn't take on only the most heinous sins. Evil pervades in other ways. They will do all sorts of unethical and immoral things to rationalize their existence apart from God. Not one of these individuals I mentioned accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They are according to the Bible all going to Hell. As they lashed out at Jesus by creating a false religion or are atheists they show their hostility to those in Christ. Jesus told His Apostles they would all be killed for His sake so if they endured this, I am sure I can endure a nonsensical sports organization wielding its power unethically in support of atheism.

All we can do is pray for those mentioned here for they know not what they do!

p.s. Interestingly, on a side note Barbara May finally left Alberta Racquetball as she was fired from her job in 2016. She took a leave of absence, didn't return, so she was let go. John Halko has also left. Perhaps that was God's purpose to have them removed from Alberta Racquetball even though I am barred for life, in the name of truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. I wouldn't have it any other way, and I would not change a single one of my actions. I would do it all again. Praise the Lord!

03-27-2017, 08:21 PM
A Mormon giving her life to Christ and rebuking Mormonism.


11-08-2017, 01:18 AM
What causes a person to act like this? Rick Warren said, "hurt people hurt people."