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View Full Version : Lawrnece Krauss is Insane!

05-27-2017, 07:44 AM
If Lawrence Krauss is not insane what is? Dr. Albert, atheist, debunks Krauss' stupidity. In several places in Krauss' book, the nothing Krauss speaks of Krauss admits is actually something. So how is that evidence for something from nothing? Coocoo! Krauss admits what Dr. Albert points out.

Krauss can't see his "nothing of reality" has a cause; it didn't just pop into existence from nothing. Krauss is equivocating on nothing.

The very science that depends on cause and effect, Lawrence throws out when it comes to the cause of the big bang and why infinite regress of nature is impossible: because if it were true, you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so.
