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View Full Version : Evidence for the the Martyrdom of the Apostles

11-08-2017, 12:19 AM
Of the 12 Apostles, and James (brother of Jesus) and Paul, we can be confident at the very least that James (brother of Jesus), Paul, Thomas, John Son of Zebedee, Peter, and James Son of Zebedee were martyred because we have early testimony. While the other Apostles may have been martyred for their eyewitness testimony, the dating of the material we have is too far removed to be sure.

They were proclaiming the risen Jesus from the start in Acts 4 & 5. Acts is a biography of Paul but makes no mention of his death, so we know Acts was written before 65 AD when Paul was put to death.

James Son of Zebedee was killed in Acts 12.2. Paul wrote he was told to stop preaching the risen Jesus.

Was Jesus seen by skeptics? Yes. Thomas, James (brother of Jesus) and Paul did not believe in Jesus until they saw Him alive from the dead. Of the 500 surely some of them did not believe.

11-08-2017, 01:50 AM
That's a great phrase, "Whim worshipper." People worship however and whatever they are feeling at this moment today. This is the immorality of Relativism.

I'm getting these thoughts from www.christrevealed.com (http://www.christrevealed.com)

This is my own idea...Son of God. People say Jesus is not God, just the Son of God. Well, in the OT the fallen angels were called sons of God, and I am a son of God, but I am not the only begotten Son of God, nor a fallen angel. I am a human being made in God's image. "Son of God" must be understood in its context. To be the "only begotten Son of God" entails that the Holy Spirit entered Mary to conceive Jesus (all other persons came through procreation), the very Jesus who never sinned. Only God is sinless. Therefore, Jesus is God. Jesus is entering His own creation. He is not the Father nor the Spirit, but the Son in which we see the 3 Persons of the Godhead, co-equal, co-inherent, the Triune God, the Trinity that is relational among the 3 Persons. So we are expected to enter into relationship with Jesus. I have a personal relationship with Jesus who shows perfect obedience and is in perfect harmony with the Father to show me how to live and to connect all things through Jesus who sums up all things.

Why won't someone accept this? It is logical. It is clear. It leaves no other available option. One, therefore, has to shut their mind down and deprive themselves of humility.

11-08-2017, 02:25 AM
What are the Beatitudes? Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 -7)

"Attitudes for the kingdom people to be in." Jesus was continually a kingdom person in the attitude of the kingdom.

11-08-2017, 02:30 AM
Some interesting facts.

95% of the Bible took place in an area of 150 x 100 miles. And 3/4 of the gospel took place in an area of several miles big.

Sea of Galilee is the second lowest place on earth.

Israel has 5 different climates: snowy, desert, by the sea, forest, and everything in between.

The woman who does the tour of Israel said "Revelations" not Revelation the 66th book of the Bible. Mistake!

11-08-2017, 02:47 AM
Tisha B'Av was when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed. It is also the day once a year Jews were allowed to visit Jerusalem that started in 132 AD. The 2nd Temple was destroyed on Tisha B'Av 70 AD.
