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View Full Version : Arrian and Plutarch Wrote About Alexander the Great 400 years after He Died

03-28-2018, 11:07 PM
The two earliest sources for Alexander the Great by Arrian and Plutarch were 400 years after he died.

The 4 E's

Early sources
Empty tomb

We should point out, however, Lee Strobel is not born-again, because he along with Satan that great false accuser accuses many whom he claims believe but have never received. See how Satan tries to cast doubt? Never do we find in the Bible someone who believes yet has not received the Lord Jesus. The Bible says to expose frauds who try to manipulate you with private, special, false teaching. All those who have received believe on the Lord Jesus and all those who have believed on the Lord Jesus have received Him and are once-saved-always-saved. Let us pray out to Lee Strobel and his family to stop this deceitful manipulation that puffs up his flesh and exalts himself by. If there was anyone who believed but did not receive Jesus it would be Lee Strobel. He would be the first to go to Hell based on this false teaching. Since Lee shows and leads others into a false Christ that some people who believe are not saved, I can confidently say Lee Strobel was never born-again. I don't know his Christ for he certainly is not the Christ of the Bible. Lee is not a child of God. He is a fraud. If you have read this far you have been appropriately warned!
