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View Full Version : Eternity of the Past of Creating Men and Women

05-04-2018, 01:25 AM
God the Father has a Father God and that God had a Father God also, and this continues on for an eternity from the past. This God the Father achieved Godhood by progressing in some fashion until he reached the Celestial Kingdom. And presumable to do so he had to have a wife in the temple to qualify. Are there no single unmarried people that make it to the Celestial Kingdom? And as for the 3 kingdoms and outer darkness is there a Hell in all this in Mormonism? If not then there is no Hell for the unsaved in Mormonism and they all become saved irresistibly sorta like those saved in Calvinism are irresistibly made saved. Is Outer Darkness considered to be the Hell for those who reject Mormonism?

What was God the Father before he was God? Was he a man? It seems that is the only logical possibility. I can't think of anything else. He was a man as Jesus was a man. And before even becoming a man did not a God Father procreate with the Goddess Mother to produce a spirit who entered Mary, and they even conceived billions of spirits. Even Mary was a daughter of God the Father. God put His seed in Mary to give birth to Jesus. When a human couple gets married and a child is born when is the spirit seed put into family? The reason I ask is because it is the man's sperm. I don't see where the spirit created by God the Father and Mother enters into the picture, because it was the man's sperm not some spirit seed that I can find.

Was Jesus sinless? If not sinless how is it that he was not sinless whereas other men created from intelligences and pre-existing material were sinless? Did Jesus have a free choice to be sinful or not sinful? Could you say he was forced into it?

In atheism there is an infinite regress of cause and effect of nature. It seems to be similar to Mormonism. When I think of Christianity it is different in which God created all things including time and space and matter and is not limited by these elements as are the creations in Mormonism. What if Joseph Smith is wrong about all this and it is really blasphemy to think God did not create time, space and matter? What if that is the direct way of rejecting God to remain unsaved and go to Hell? Would not Mormons be forever lost?