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View Full Version : What Happened to Coby Iwaasa? at Racquetball

06-06-2019, 06:13 PM
COBY is amazing .. makes me wonder how good he would be if he played IRT events ? Go Coby .. Sam is amazing also ...should be a great final!
For me it is simple as hard as it is to stomach by some folks. Coby was beating everyone including the Rojas and Horn. I am convinced he would be top 4 on the IRT ahead of Andree Parrilla whom he was winning against, possibly #2 behind Kane. He was beating Samuel every time too. After his 2 year Mormon missionary tour to Japan his game never recovered or the other players improved. Either way as far as I am concerned and what the Holy Spirit reveals to me is Mormonism destroyed his hopes of achieving these goals so he gave up or gave in to the evil spirit of Moroni they erect on all their buildings instead of the cross of Christ for salvation.

Mormonism needs a constant flow of money and a racquetball pro isn't going to be the source of much money. I am told even Kane doesn't make much, perhaps $50,000/year in sponsorship only (definitely not more than that the Prokennex rep told me. Tournaments pay $3500 for 1st. That's 10 x $3,500=$35,000. Peanuts especially with all the expenses that go into racquetball. I am spending $10,000/year, 7 US tournaments, trying to improve in the 50+ overall.

World Seniors 50+ Aug
US Open 50+ Oct
Sunset Turkey Open Nov
Prokennex Open Dec
Mt. Rainer Open Feb
Northwest Open Mar
Oregon State Open Mar

Not playing at the Cascade Athletic Club for the Oregon Regional in Gresham anymore because they did not set the draw up properly. Instead of placing the top two ranked players at the top of each side of the pool play, they put those top two players on one side of the pool play with me. The top two players, therefore, were guaranteed to go into the draw assuming I couldn't beat either of them (yet). I believe I would have been 2nd on my side of the draw if they placed only one of those top two players on my side as Brian Ancheta, the manager of the club was suppose to do according to the ranking system. I tried to explain this to him but it did not help. He knows what he is doing.

I know someone else who has complained to the Oregon board about this regarding his own circumstances. He told me in confidence that the Oregon board is notorious for setting up the draw to favor their own players. Don't kill the messenger. I am just repeating what I was told by someone with experience in Oregon tournaments. I hope the next Oregon tournament I play I will get a fair seating.


06-06-2019, 06:59 PM
My Letter to the Oregon Board

I sent this message to you Angie and Troy. Let the rest of the board know please.

Not playing at the Cascade Athletic Club for the Oregon Regional in Gresham anymore because they did not set the draw up properly. Instead of placing the top two ranked players at the top of each side of the pool play, they put those top two players on one side of the pool play with me. The top two players, therefore, were guaranteed to go into the draw assuming I couldn't beat either of them (yet).

I believe I would have been 2nd on my side of the draw if they placed only one of those top two players on my side as Brian Ancheta, the manager of the club was suppose to do according to the ranking system. I tried to explain this to him but it did not help.

Someone spoke to me in confidence (so I can't give his name) that this sort of thing happened to him. He complained to the board a few years ago he said, and that the Oregon board has done this quite often in the past to favor their own players in terms of seating. He suggested I send an email, as he has done in the past, which I am doing now. Hopefully that doesn't happen again.


06-07-2019, 04:16 PM
Brian called me back and apologized. I appreciate that. Alright, back to business trying to improve my ranking 50+. Currently 22. Would like to get into the top 10 50+