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View Full Version : Objective Moral Values Don't Seem to Work as an Argument for God

11-13-2019, 05:19 AM
The moral argument for objective moral values from God I don't think works that's why I don't use it even though I am a Christian. Our morals can change and can be based on survival whether that be altruism or not. Why can't objective moral values change? A better argument would be how can we have self-consciousness? Having that ability cannot derive randomly. It needs a plausible cause. Since atheists have no idea, having a consciousness, free will and even a conscience cannot be from nature alone. The atheist will come along and say why not? Why can't we develop these traits from whence they did not exist? My response would be the lesser can never produce the greater. So a mind is needed to create a mind. God has a mind. Two rocks slamming together building the elemental table is considered lesser than a Mind.