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View Full Version : How Many Manuscripts Do We Have from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Centuries?

02-10-2020, 01:53 AM
We have today a dozen manuscripts from the 2nd century, 64 from the 3rd, and 48 from the 4th (Daniel. B. Wallace). The whole NT is found in them several times. The classical author has no literary remains in this same 300 year time span. Add up all the classical Greek writers and their works cumulatively pile up to no more than 4 feet high. Compare that to over a mile high for for Biblical writers.


02-10-2020, 02:20 PM
Let's be mature. We know from the 5000+ Greek Manuscripts that in comparing go back to the original essentials which Bart said remain intact. Therefore, what is all the argument about? The original Apostles truly believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings for which we can find no naturalistic explanation. Game, set, match!