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View Full Version : Sexual Preference is Offensive, Sexual Orientation is Not Offensive

10-14-2020, 11:21 PM
I could never be a democrat because of how the democratic senator from Hawaii Mazie Hirono grilled Amy Coney Barret for an hour over the term "sexual preference," then if you watched Fox you're embarrassed for them because they showed video of Joe Biden using the phrase many times as did Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Barret was forced to apologize. Democrats have no scruples; they will stop at nothing pretending they are intellectuals. Apparently, Biden is a relic from the past using this phrase still.

It's like arguing with Atheists over the definition the "belief God does not exist." Atheists say that is not the correct definition. If that is not the correct definition then what is the the word for "belief God does not exist?" There is no other word in the English language for "belief God does not exist." Atheists will say the definition is "lack of belief God exists." A lack of belief is the same as not believing. If they want to use the term "lack of belief God exists" then they should accept the phrase also "lack of belief God does not exist." "Lack of belief" is really "agnosticism" not "atheism." Atheists try to down play what they are doing mingling agnosticism with atheism but they are really two different terms.

Bottom line: if you vote for Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi just realize how dumb you are.