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View Full Version : Hal Lindsey - Pretrib Rapture Onlyism

11-02-2020, 12:09 AM
Hal Lindsey, assuming he is a Christian, will be surprised when millions are raptured alive at the start of the Tribulation because they did not deny the first rapture according to readiness. And they were considered overcomers for keeping the word of His patience (Rev. 3.10). The first rapture is a being ready to be taken up and received. Not all Christians have this status, for they are still lying on a bed of fornication even though they are saved, that is, born-again, and have eternal life. Hal Lindsey will be in the Tribulation and to receive that status of an overcomer, he will have to endure even martyrdom. But I am not sure he would even consider it the Tribulation of 7 years (Daniel's final seven), because while it is happening, he will deny it is happening, for he thought pridefully if it really was the Tribulation, he would have been raptured already. This casts doubt in his faith and wonders who these millions are who were raptured alive; we may even find he renounces the faith, because it is not going according to his plan. Very sad really. We learn who is a Christian and who is not. In a very twisted way Hal Lindsey will construct a rationale for who these people really are; perhaps he will view them not as God's overcomers, but as Satan's minions who will war in heaven against God.