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View Full Version : The Straightaway Path (Question 18 and 19)

03-16-2006, 04:20 PM
Do you see what was done between question 18 and 19?

The Holy Spirit filled this hole recently because of the actions of another who sought for a loophole under a lack of conviction. This was the latest loophole in which a man tried to go through it by his own strength. However, it has now been blocked by the Holy Spirit. If one agrees in one way and then disagrees in another way, or once agreed then changes their mind even years later, they can lose their commission as an Apostle or appointment as an Elder. With this hole now blocked, there is an additional peace and patient waiting for those who want to come through the narrow gate of returning to the first love that was lost. Christians going through the narrow gate (outward) is different than the Christians going through the wide gate (outward), just as the Christians who walk along the narrow path (inward) is different from those Christians who walk along the wide path (indward).

There is nothing now between question 18 and 19. It leaves no room for a person to say they agree with God commissioning the Apostles and then the person not abiding in the decision of the Apostles to use the Meeting Place Finder map for the Body of Christ, by NOT entering their Elder meeting place or associating with a meeting place already marked on the map. I simply say to them who err with this contradiction, be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8).

This is a key revelation of the Holy Spirit. God is going to use the internet to show members of the body of Christ are in agreement as a testimony not just according to Biblical locality - of Apostles appointing Elders to take care of a whole Biblical locality and its many meeting places - but also pertaining to what the Elders agree upon as one group, and what the Apostles agree upon as another group. This causes the body of Christ, even the Elders to step up!

What the Elders agree upon is disclosed in the 19 questions. What the Apostles agree upon is disclosed in the 35 questions. If a question should be added or taken away, I know of no such question, in clear conscience before God. Perhaps it may be changed a little here or a little there. Perhaps the seventh Apostle who comes in will introduce something the previous six Apostles overlooked in their agreeing together upon these questions. Humbly we would accept the needed change! Even so, the foundational course has been on a straightaway path asking vital questions of those in the Work for the Church.

Rev. 2.1-8: "hast tried them (http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/needtoagree.htm) which say they are apostles" (v.2); commend (http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/errors.htm) not to seek power of "Nicolaitans" (v.6 - those who conquer the people); and "thou hast left thy first love (http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/7churches.htm)" (v.4) of Biblical locality. Denominations are derived by the self-servingness of Nicolaitans usurping themselves in a class system. So which church (http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/whichchurch.htm) should I join? That which must come to pass, biblocality.com (http://biblocality.com/), is the one thing Satan is ultimately threatened by before the return of Christ and what Christ needs before His return for the purposes of the millennial kingdom rewards over cities.

Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus for the discernment.