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View Full Version : How do you share the Gospel?

03-23-2006, 06:38 PM
It seems to me in the Bible, sharing the Gospel is done by way of first there being an opportunity. For example, Philip ministered to the Ethiopian because the Ethiopian had gone to Israel to worship God of Israel first and was trying to understand the book of Isaiah. Peter ministered to Cornelius because of a vision Cornelius had and "feared the God of Israel" (Acts 10.2). Next thing you know, 3 souls are calling upon Simon Peter in Joppa to go to Caesarea, and Peter was receptive because he received a vision from God while in a trance about a sheet of animals falling, where God was saying to eat those animals as a sign that Gentiles could be saved too. These were the beginnings of the church.

It makes one think that the evangelizing done today might be a bit too forceful and impersonal. We should look intelligently for opportunities where others call upon us, rather than us putting it upon people who are not even thinking about anything but their own daily affairs. After Peter healed a lame person by the name of Aeneas in Lydda (Acts 9.33), "two men" were sent to "beg him" to resurrect Tabitha (Dorcas in Greek) in Joppa (v.36). In fact, when Peter was going to Lydda, he was just going to "visit the believers" (v.32), and then "met a man" there rather spontaneously.

Yes, we should wait more on the Lord's leading first for spontaneous occurrences.