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View Full Version : I should not be in sales

03-29-2006, 07:34 PM
I should not be in sales because I can't convince anyone of Biblical locality particularly on the internet. Not only this, but I can't convince anyone to agree to all 19 questions at registration, let alone the total 37 questions, even though I use the Word quite well to express these truths from what the Holy Spirit reveals to me.

I can't convince a person to believe women can be elders. I can't convince another that Mary really was born into sin and she really did make mistakes in the Bible. I can't convince another we can't lose our salvation. I can't convince another person to not be doubletongued by not agreeing that we do have a spirit, soul and body. Still another I can't convince that the Godhead is one substance (mormons say God is not one substance but different beings).

I can't convince others that the old earth will be burnt up which will not be where the new earth will be. I can't convince a person there is no gibberish babble in the Bible as tongues. I can't convince others that there is accountability for Christians in loss of rewards and rewards during the 1000 years. I can't convince myself that the saving ratio is a high percentage of those who say they are saved actually are. I can't convince anyone to reclaim the first love that was lost of Biblical locality.

There is so much more I can't convince people of, you would be amazed how utterly incapable I am, and how I am truly the least of the brethren.

These truths I can convince no one of and so they whom I can not convince would have me believe that these are not truths, but lies; even, those who say they are my brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Church is fallen. And I am no salesman. Even the Holy Spirit in me can not convince another. I am grateful to God has created hell to keep those eternally separated from Him and His own sons an daughters.

However, there is someth things I can yet do. I can continue to post 3 or 4 posts a day on average. I can continue to wait for Christians to come on board and reclaim the first love that was lost and abide in these truths in the Word of God. I can continue to speak to those in my locality. I can continue to pray. I can continue to invite others to consider this information. Even though Satan is the god of this world and has people wrapped around his finger and has infiltrated the kingdom of heaven, there is yet some things I can do for the kingdom of God. I have not totally been shut off from giving the truth with love and faithfuless.

Praise the Lord!