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05-14-2006, 07:29 PM
It is Inevitible!

This written as a concern for the Church!

No matter what happens I do have eternal life. No matter how broke I get, no matter what kind of job I work at, no matter what kind of constraints are put on me, I have something that is more important than all the rest.

In the few decades that I live in the backdrop of billions of years, to fret would be silly. When I am resurrected, I am not just going to live for another few more decades. I am going to live forever! Not just a billion or a trillion years, but more than a trillion x a trillion years.

Pretty amazing!

That really puts things in perspective for me. This makes me think about what is important now and what I should do with my life now. Whatever I am suppose to be doing, I sure do have immense peace. I like seeing how Satan tries to make me go broke. He can put me in debt all he wants and it doesn't hurt me one bit. I look forward to this pressure!

I am a testimony to God that there is not a single thing the devil can do to me to lose my faith. Yes, it is true, I don't seem to be able to convince anyone of what I am doing here on these forums regarding the first love that was lost when the apostles were commissioned by God to appoint elders of a locality. For over 1900 years this way in the Work has been forsaken and people in Christendom affiliate with their particular organization all the while it never occuring to them what if we could bring the 12 or 72 apostles in agreement (and more to follow!), work from that basis and grow the church from this foundation in Christ (at least these 37 questions)?

Noone wants to do it. When I tell someone in person, I can convince them, but I can't get them to do anything about it. I myself am tied in that ability also, for as I just said, I can tell someone and I can even get them to agree in person to all 37 questions, but as soon as we finish, they go right back to do what they have always done. I have come close to convincing some people on the internet, but they pull a 180 on me, and find one item in these questions they can't agree with. Like that saying goes: if it is not one thing, then it is another.

Then I realized the truth. The truth is men do not want to work together in the harmony of God's kingdom this way, not yet! Remember, this is the first love that was lost. What will it take then becomes the pressing question? Indeed. The answer is so simple: It will take suffering and heartache? That trial and tribulation will occur when USA's pressing problems mount, e.g. 8+ trillion in Federal debt and a debt/gdp ratio over 310%, never seen before in history. Perhaps the US dollar drops another 50% or worse; or maybe the US dollar goes up 50% and the S&P500 drops 50%. It depends on whatever scheme the Federal Reserve wants to employ.

Maybe commodities go up another 100%, such as oil over $100 U.S. a barrel. Who can say when? All I know is when a a country and countries are burdened with more debt per gdp than they have ever seen before in history, I think something is about to happen over the coming decades.

For me, what matters is continually reading the Word for it is as though I am storing up energy for the day of reckoning.

I am ahead of my time. This is essentially a prophecy of what is going to happen. Only durring the latter rain will the Church begin to rethink its position in God's kingdom and seek for Apostles to come together in agreement. The platform exists already at Biblocality Forums: Meeting Place Finder for the Body of Christ (http://biblocality.com/forums/vbgooglemaphse.php#maps). It's just a matter of time. Do not think Googlemaps is not a vital tool on the internet. It is a tool to show solidarity to whichever faction you are affiliated with.

The Church makes me sad that it is so disjoined!