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12-07-2005, 02:40 AM
The richest light is stored in the Body of Christ. It is necessary to know the scope of the body and then what is stored there. There is light stored in form of facts worked out by the Holy Spirit since the first day He brought the Body forth into being by baptizing believers into it to become one. These facts are the truths of the Holy Spirit and they are progressive to this day. Any faithful worker must enter into the revelation of this progressive work first that he may be accurate and relevant to the current of the Holy Spirit. In other words one must enter into the current of the Holy Spirit and continue with it. Only then can he be said to be working in God's defined scope. First i want to define the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ includes all believers both who are living today and those who have gone to be with the Lord since the church was born during the time of the Apostles. If one is to begin to work they must enter first into the work done for the last 2000yrs. As a judge or a lawyer (and with guidance of the Holy Spirit taking priority) look into all the progressive facts and work done by the Holy Spirit to this day. Much more we give God all the praise because the book of Revelation chapter (1-3) give a clear evaluation of the Church by the Lord Himself. Hence we have not been left to guess or assume any thing. We have only been asked to hear what the Spirit says to the Churches.For these churches show the precise church history till the comming of the Lord Jesus and what is expected of them. By reading this and looking into factual store worked by the Holy Spirit among the members throughout church history we will be able to enter into His current today and be usable to finish the work He has for us now. The Lord works among members and then leads other members through submission to posses the worked out truth. Individualism is forbidden.

Brethren have time to time given themselves as the Lord led them to labour in the spirit and bring forth riches to the body. What has been done we must not repeat. We ought to progress. We cannot start to work motivated by a local judgment (meaning :judging just with our times that we live in) for the God's work goes on and has been going on regardless of the changing world. In fact it is not us to tell the Lord the world is changing, but the Lord knew this and all framework is laid concerning the path of the church regardless of the changing world and the stand of the church is defined w.r.t changing world. It is for this reason that we would recommend brethren to read books by Watchman Nee from Christian fellowship publishers. He is a servant of God who in recent time within our proximity so to say, was able to enter into this progressive current. Instead of redoing the work we are called to enter into this work, for even the Spirit of God testifies allot that this work belongs to Him, and then progress accordingly. I have all the confidence and my conscience testifies in the Holy Spirit that the Lord wants a group that is dedicated to enter into this work and go on with it. They must have this work clear in their spirits by revelation and go on. Consequently the last part to recover today is body fellowship within Biblical localities.

We need to have the beauty of Ephesians 4 come forth and the Lord shall come. I believe it would be a loss if the Lord comes before the current evil generation that has become even more evil, sees the beauty of the church in the fullest way. But this is only possible as brethren stand on all ground wrought for us by the Cross of Christ, on resurrection ground. One point must be underscored, we are not drawing brethren attention to this work for no other reason other than that the work simply measures according God.