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View Full Version : 3 Leavened Teachings - Negative Consequences

06-22-2006, 06:21 PM
Negative consequences:

1) historicalist (amill., postmill., preterisms) - denying the 1000 year reign of Christ in Person on earth, rewards and accountability. Why lower God's standards by claiming now is a millennial peace in wars in rumors of wars, and when not 1/3 of the people of earth have died in the 2nd woe and the congregation of 200 million machines?

2) post-trib - you too are also treating the book of prophecy (mostly not yet fulfilled) as historical for Rev. 7.9 has no yet happened yet; it is wrong of you to see for the Antichrist first in your life by taking away the hope of the church to be received according to readiness. Satan takes away hope.

3) pre-trib - you are wrong to overassume your first rapture not according to readiness, because when you enter the Tribulation, not realizing it-assuming you would be first raptured-then how will you ever know when it is the Tribulation to refuse the mark of the beast?

All these various leavened ways deaden the conscience and throw a person into passivity and control by the various organizations that employ these cultic methods.