• False Views in Christendom RSS Feed

    by Published on 01-03-2010 05:13 PM     Number of Views: 3892 
    1. Categories:
    2. Universalism

    These Men Will Reap What They Sow

    Joel Olsteen took right out the play book of Billy Graham. If Billy Graham and Joel Olsteen are saved that's not a Heaven I want to go to. Thank you Jesus.

    Women can be Apostles, Elders and Teachers (that's one thing I disagree about with the speaker).

    Muhammad and the Pope are saved? Where does Billy Graham cite in his writings the verses of the Bible that say homosexuality and lesbianism are hellbound?

    Billy Graham said, "The Pope is the greatest religious leader of the modern world, and one of the greatest moral and spiritual leaders of the century."

    Billy Graham, Robert Schuller, and Joel Olsteen worship the universal Christ of the new age, not the exclusive Jesus of Christianity.

    Billy said of president Clinton, he "has not always won the approval of his FELLOW Christians but who has in his heart a desire to serve God and do His will" (Page 656, Just As I Am).

    by Published on 12-15-2009 09:56 PM     Number of Views: 10578 
    1. Categories:
    2. Messianic Judaism

    "And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel" (Ex. 19.6).

    This simply means God will usher in the Messiah through Israel, for God needs a holy nation to enter in through. It does not mean Israel is going to rule the world or even receive the reward of reigning with Christ during the 1000 years; though it does mean the promise is for Israel to be the center of all nations from which Christ will reign in Jerusalem in the Temple. The kings and priests in Rev. 20.4,6 are overcomer believers, a segment of the saved, from all previous dispensations.

    Messianic Judaism is a contradiction in terms because Judaism rejects THE Messiah. There is only one right Messiah who already came in His first coming. Judaism claims it has its own Messiah but it is not the Christ. Christians reject Judaism and Pharisees, so it is wrong for a Christian to call himself a Messianic Judaism Jew or any derivative thereof. If you are a Messianic Judaism Jew you worship a false Christ. The Messiah already came. We do not wait for His first coming but His second coming. Therefore, now you should be a Christian. Period!

    Messianic Judaism is a cult of Jews (and non-Jews) who accuse the Church of persecuting the Jews. A false Church which persecuted the Jews does not equate with the Church which never would persecute the Jews. And brothers and sisters in Christ would not attack the Church (Messianic Judaism is not the Church) for we are the Church and we love our little brother the Jews though sadly only a remnant will remain as the center of all nations.

    Messianic Judaism Jews are exalting themselves divisively and have given their lives to a false Christ, one that accuses falsely the Church and Christ our Creator. Jesus did not say to create a denomination called Messianic Judaism, saying "I of Cephas" (denom 1) or "I of Apollos" (denom 2, etc.) or "I of Christ" (congregationalist). We are not even to say "I of Christ" the Bible says since a church is not a congregation but a locality of believers. And the Bible makes a distinction between the false Church or false tares that try to look like the saved wheat. The Bible distinguishes the Church as not the great harlot of religious Rome (Rev. 14.8; ch. 17) which has over 1 billion adherents today-the Roman Church. There is the outward appearance of the kingdom of heaven and the actual Church of born-again believers within that kingdom.

    The question a Messianic Jew should ask himself at this point is why is he accusing the Church of being the harlot when God's word says the harlot is not the Church? If the Messianic Jews are born-again, saved in Christ by His precious blood, then why are they so hostile to Christians the Church-body of Christ? It seems to me that it all comes back to a racism pride by Jews, exalting themselves ...
    by Published on 12-15-2009 02:56 PM     Number of Views: 5063 
    1. Categories:
    2. Calvinism

    It's wonderful to see when Calvinists repent of Calvinism and give their lives to Christ to be born-again. The particular ex-Calvinist in this video had been a Calvinist for 26 years, now he is an OSAS Arminian.

    In 1833 George Wilson received a pardon from Andrew Jackson. He was guilty of robbing the federal mail and was condemned to death. Wilson rejected the pardon, so they were going to execute him. Lawyers took it all the way to the supreme court, saying you cannot execute a man who has been pardoned. The supreme court justice marshal said, "A pardon unreceived is a pardon unaffected." It was provided but not received so Wilson was executed. Therefore, there is no double jeopardy committed.

    Double jeopardy has been answered by legal scholars against Calvinists who still cling to accusing Christians of violating this law. In Calvinism their own god passes over souls without grace which is itself a violation of double jeopardy because many Calvinists, embarrassed by limited atonement, place the person in Hell anyway. The Calvinist commits the very crime he accuses Christians of.

    In contrast in Christianity a person goes to Hell because he doesn't appropriate God's forgiveness, whereas in Calvinism their god could have and should have saved all yet they go to Hell anyway. What love is this to be acquitted or could have been given the grace to repent and thus be acquitted yet passed over (preterition) for Hell anyway?

    Many Calvinist embarrassed even further will try to say you do have a choice, but when confronted with the choice everyone refuses God, so that's why God has to regenerate people and then they have free will to accept God but never reject Him. How is this free will if they could never reject God? When asked, doesn't this seem contradictory? they say, it's just the way God does it and we are not to understand this mystery. This is the response all cults given when confronted about their specific cult teaching. This is what the ex-Calvinist, new born babe in Christ, realized and acknowledged he was never saved for 26 years while he was a Calvinist. Praise the Lord! He is our brother in Christ now.

    The two part Christian, two part Calvinist and one part mingled Christian/Calvinist is still an unregenerate with his heart separated from God because he still worships a god who sends people to Hell just because they were born into sin, and this evil spirit forces salvation on people. Whenever you confront a Calvinist, keep in the forefront of your mind the 6 major sins of Calvinism to protect you from Satan's deception of simulating God's redemptive design.

    by Published on 12-15-2009 07:56 AM     Number of Views: 5003 
    1. Categories:
    2. Calvinism

    "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" (John 1.3).

    God did NOT make beings to do evil, but certainly created the option to do evil so that we have true free will.

    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things" (Is. 45.7). To be understood more clearly the NLT reads,

    "I am the one who creates the light and makes the darkness. I am the one who sends good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things."

    Why would God send bad times? Because it is the proper response to evil and sinfulness.

    For example, God hardened the Pharaoh's heart, after the Pharaoh hardened his own heart first and in so doing increases the likelihood the Pharaoh would repent without forcing the Pharaoh to repent or infringe on his free will.

    And we all know what happened during the 10 plagues as well as what happened to Pharaoh's army in the Gulf of Aqaba.
    by Published on 12-14-2009 01:56 AM     Number of Views: 2107 
    1. Categories:
    2. Calvinism

    Calvinism is negligent homicide because the god of Calvinism could save all but doesn't. He is an impotent god because he can't even provide sufficient grace to anyone to give them the opportunity to be saved since if everyone were Totally depraved then the next step requires some be irresistibly selected and for the rest to be passed over, denied any recourse whatsoever. One who believes in such a god gratifies himself for things of the world that are gained with this horrific mentality and life-style choice.

    Imagine yourself in a situation where you see two kids playing in what effectively is quicksand and it seems like they are having fun. Little do they know the quicksand will take them down and they will perish. But what do you do? You extend not a stick to both of them to grab onto and plead with them to get out, but you put a hook on the end of a pole and yank one out while leaving the other to die. Next, you find several people are drowning after a cruise ship goes down, but not using all your resources to help them out, you mock and berate them with the words, you party goers.

    God's really been testing you lately. Selfishly you accuse still another, a child you find stuck in a well 40 feet down. You only give her a rope that goes 30 feet down then say to her to grab hold of it, and when she can't you berate her by saying, what's wrong with you? Talk about abusive! And last but not least, you have a co-worker who is doing something you are sure will get him fired, but instead of warning him the proper course of action he should take to rectify the situation, negligently you remain silent and watch him get fired. Perhaps you even benefit from this opportune situation.

    How is this any different than what Hitler did who treats the Jews this way from birth, destined for the gas chambers, and irresistibly imposing a salvation on the Aryan race? You know full well without the teachings of Calvinism Hitler could not have done what he did. I am grateful I don't have to spend eternity with such an evil tyrant and the evil adherents who blindly follow this negligent homicidal attitude.

    May these words help protect those who confront Calvinists and lead the Calvinist to Christ which requires his willingness to repent, reject and refuse Calvinism.

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