• Mormons are Hellinized

    First, like Judaism, the Christian Gospel proclaims that God created all things 'out of nothing' ('ex nihilo'). This is contrary to the Greek view of pre-existing eternal matter. Second, since God created all things, including matter, Christianity (with Judaism) understands matter in general, and the human body in particular, as 'very good' (Gen 1:31). The Hellenistic worldview understood matter as questionable at best--if not down-right evil. The body was seen as something like an unnatural tomb, within which the eternal human soul was temporarily trapped until released by death. Whereas, with Judaism, Christianity proclaimed that to be human was to have a body, and thus that we would experience resurrection of the body (an incorruptible body!) in the after-life, the Greek view of the after-life was freedom from the body.

    So you see Mormonism with its infinite regress, spirit beings and not returning with Christ in our bodies to reign during the 1000 years is so Hellenistic.

    Now I know why Mormons always accuse Christians of Hellenization, because the Mormon is just projecting their own condition of being trapped in Hellinising themselves.

    My advise to Mormons and LDS. Don't take it out on us Christians, but repent of your false teachings.