• Churchwork

    by Published on 09-21-2011 07:33 PM     Number of Views: 5022 
    1. Categories:
    2. Calvinism

    The 6 Major Sins of Calvinism

    (1) You're unwilling to let go of control over self to place your trust in the sovereign Lord since you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. To maintain hold over self, you cling to an idol called Total depravity which says you can't repent and believe in Him so you don't. To rationalize your selfish stance, you accept the evil spirit's imputation to pridefully assume you were irresistibly selected. Thus, you never genuinely come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior to be saved.

    (2) You worship a cruel and sadistic god who sends people to Hell for being born into sin that was not their fault and blames them for not responding when he made them that way apparently. Your god is evil, incompetent and impotent to be able to provide sufficient grace to all to have the free choice.

    (3) You worship a tyrant that irresistibly imposes regeneration on people which is not much of a gift since it can neither be accepted nor refused. There is no opportunity for salvation in Calvinism just the evil dictates of a non-sovereign god. How impersonal and quite unlike the relational God of the Bible who says, "ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart" (Jer. 29.13).

    (4) As you are doubleminded so is your god who contradicts himself with his two wills, declaring openly he wants all to be saved, but secretly he doesn't. If something is a secret then by definition Calvinists can't make any claim about it or even if it exists so they are just pretentiously asserting themselves with their doublespeak. The Bible says be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8).

    (5) It's wrong to give people false hope that they can be saved when your god prods them on yet makes them unable to respond. There is no way around this abusive behavior, duplicity and charade.

    (6) If there were two people drowning would it be right to let one drown and save the other? If you could save both but didn't in our society you would be guilty and go to prison for negligent homicide. But this is the way the Calvinist god operates. The Calvinist claims he can save both, but is perfectly just in not doing so. When I get in a pickle, I hope I am not standing next to a Calvinist. The question is, how can God's morals be below our own? How can the Creator have a morality that so against our own sense of right and wrong?

    Cain and Abel
    Did Cain and Abel have the free choice to give God a proper offering? Were they totally depraved? Was Cain preteritioned? Was Abel irresistibly made to give a lamb as an offering? God provided them with sufficient grace to have the free choice. Grace that is not sufficient for all is deficient. The Calvinist's lust for an explanation why Abel gave a proper offering goes unanswered. Instead of having the humility to accept he currently doesn't understand and be comfortable with that, he inserts into the text that which is not explicitly stated in order to make it agree with his committed position to try to comfort his soul. But it is not lasting because self cannot help but be puffed up, begetting more self, with the prideful assumption of being irresistibly selected.

    What is the proper response to a Calvinist when he asks, why did Abel choose God and Cain didn't? Simply say to him that they were both made in God's image, born into sin, and by the grace of God sufficient for all gave us the free choice so it was their choice. What caused their choice? They did it. It was their choice afforded to them by God just as God has free choice, ability or free will whichever term you prefer. God made us in His image with this attribute He has. The god of Calvinism can't do that so you know the god of Calvinism is not just impotent and lesser but some evil spirit, possibly even Satan himself.

    The Calvinist's main issue is he can't fathom how God can have infinite foreknowledge and reconcile that with free will. Well, I don't know how God gives me self-consciousness and God-consciousness either, but I know He does it, since He says so in His word. They are not trusting in God's word. It is even verified in our own experience what scholars call "proper basic beliefs" that are self-evident and common to us all. Because Calvinists can't understand how God does this, they assert God causes everything so nobody has the free choice to do anything (a facade), leaving the human race without any moral imperative. A person's conscience has nowhere to go but down from there. Shouldn't a true and lasting faith strengthen man's conscience?

    Next time you come across someone who pleads with you and implores you to do something which you obviously cannot do, have not been supplied with the ability to do so and not given a choice in the matter (prevenient grace), just think of that person like the evil god of Calvinism who is being unloving and twisted.
    by Published on 09-19-2011 09:44 PM     Number of Views: 5037 
    1. Categories:
    2. Irenaus on the Millennium

    There is a false claim that dispensational doctrine was never taught in the early church.

    There are many concepts of dispensational doctrine in the most ancient non-scriptural documents of the church. Several of them are referred to in the following statements by Irenaeus, who wrote shortly before the year 200, and is the most ancient Christian who wrote any significant amount about end time prophecy and whose writings have been preserved.

    Irenaeus said:

    “The Lord also spoke as follows to those who did not believe in Him: ‘I have come in my Father’s name, and ye have not received Me: when another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive,’ calling Antichrist ‘the other,’ because he is alienated from the Lord. This is also the unjust judge, whom the Lord mentioned as one ‘who feared not God, neither regarded man,’ to whom the widow fled in her forgetfulness of God,—that is, the earthly Jerusalem,—to be avenged of her adversary. Which also he shall do in the time of his kingdom: he shall remove his kingdom into that [city], and shall sit in the temple of God, leading astray those who worship him, as if he were Christ.” (Against Heresies, by Irenaeus, book V, chapter XXV, section 4)

    “Moreover, he (the apostle) has also pointed out this which I have shown in many ways, that the temple in Jerusalem was made by the direction of the true God. For the apostle himself, speaking in his own person, distinctly called it the temple of God. Now I have shown in the third book, that no one is termed God by the apostles when speaking for themselves, except Him who truly is God, the Father of our Lord, by whose directions the temple which is at Jerusalem was constructed for those purposes which I have already mentioned; in which [temple] the enemy shall sit, endeavouring to show himself as Christ, as the Lord also declares: ‘But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, which has been spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him that readeth understand), then let those who are in Judea flee into the mountains; and he who is upon the house-top, let him not come down to take anything out of his house: for there shall then be great hardship, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be.’” (Against Heresies, by Irenaeus, book V, chapter XXV, section 2)

    “And then he points out the time that his tyranny shall last, during which the saints shall be put to flight, they who offer a pure sacrifice unto God: ‘And in the midst of the week,’ he says, ‘the sacrifice and the libation shall be taken away, and the abomination of desolation [shall be brought] into the temple: even unto the consummation of the time shall the desolation be complete.’ Now three years and six months constitute the half-week.” (Against Heresies, by Irenaeus, book V, chapter XXV, section 4)

    In this series of statements,
    by Published on 09-11-2011 04:37 PM     Number of Views: 3234 
    1. Categories:
    2. Amillennialism

    "They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" (Rev. 20.4). How can the saints live and reign today if today is the thousand years when the saints are not even resurrected yet, not till the end of this age (1 Thess. 4.14-18)? How can they live and reign if they are asleep?

    "I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them" (Rev. 20.4). A saint is not sitting on a throne if he is asleep waiting to be resurrected.

    Where today are saints sitting on thrones reigning over the nations? (2.26)

    "The rest of the dead [the unsaved] lived not again until the thousand years were finished" (v.5). Since the unsaved are resurrected at the end of the 1000 years, the saved will be resurrected before the 1000 years (7.9), but when were the saints resurrected if the 1000 years has already started? 1 Thess. 4.14-18 didn't begin in Paul's day, nor has it occurred yet in our day.

    Amillennialism makes no sense. No wonder why Luther and other Calvinists wanted to throw the book of Revelation out since it didn't agree with their faith.

    Satan is the Great Allegorizer.
    by Published on 09-07-2011 12:16 AM     Number of Views: 2193 
    1. Categories:
    2. Trinity

    Jhn 14:7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
    Jhn 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
    Jhn 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou [then], Shew us the Father?
    Jhn 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
    Jhn 14:11 Believe me that I [am] in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

    Jhn 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

    Two errors are guarded against here. The first error is in verse 9 by itself could suggest that the Son is the Father incarnate, that there are no distinctions between the two Persons. But verse 10-11 make it clear that is not the case. These verses also guard against fully separating the Father and Son into distinct gods. Each interpenetrates the other--what the ancient Greeks called perichoresis.

    Interpenetrate means to 1. interpret thoroughly; permeate. 2. to penetrate (with something else) mutually or reciprocally.

    Perichoresis refers to the Trinity. The word is derived from the Greek “peri-choresis” which translates as, “peri” meaning around, “choresis” meaning to dance (the same root as choreography). The relationship between the Persons of the Trinity was described, by early Christians, as an eternal Holy Dance of each Person in the Trinity around and within the Others.
    by Published on 07-21-2011 03:49 PM     Number of Views: 1982 
    1. Categories:
    2. US Dollar

    Lessons in Trading–Is it Deception
    or Are Traders Just Puking Out?
    There is only one rule you will ever need to remember that has been your experience time and again. To have a chance, enter the trade only when the market goes to where you didn't think it could go in a million years (it will go there!). Yet don't trade against the overall arching theme since it will catch up to you eventually if you do.

    Markets move where you don’t expect because when it moves in that direction it causes people to puke-out which extenuates the move. Whether or not this is deception perpetrated by Wall Street to try to make markets move in unexpected and seemingly illogical ways to cause people to puke out that then aids in moving the markets in the direction Wall Street is pumping, the fact remains it happens and must be accounted for. And there is only one way to account for it, to wait until the move has been spent where you say to yourself, I can't believe the markets just went there. Even when you do this it is hard to put the trade in because it goes against your feelings as your feeling simmer based on the preceding trend.

    The news on TV is for the last person to know so that information is really not very useful. Reading profusely might work (it’s something different) since most people don't read to this extent. But really who has the time? So this is not a realistic option.

    When you do play the counter move, only try for a couple hundred pips (for a 50% to 100% return with options). Trading on margin is deadly because a person rarely is strong enough not to close out his trade when he is in panic mode as the margin call draws near.

    Your feelings reflect the mass market that is always wrong (who have the least amount of information). It feels so comfortable to trade a losing trade because everyone is with you. It's all over the news so we are blinded by other options than what we are told on TV. You have to trade against your feelings which is impossible to do. It goes against human nature. Therefore, all you can do is wait for the market to get to that extreme price point you didn't think could happen then enter the trade. This takes great patience because it might take months before the opportunity sets itself to trade it the other way. Even then the move could extend itself beyond the shock factor it has already generated. You are lucky to find one good opportunity per year in some stock, commodity or currency. Even though nothing is really noise, for our purposes it's noise and untradeable until it sets itself to meet your surprise factor.

    I would still have $20,000 if I didn't trade at all. I’d be better off today not trading at all; this shows me how rarely one should trade and how small the pips of profit should be. When I get $5,000 to trade again after saving up from working, only take small chunks of profit-quick 50% to 100% gains. Take your profits and run! Beyond that is all a crap shoot.

    When you are so convinced in something, it won’t happen because likely most everyone believes the same already; or it certainly won’t happen when you are expecting it to. Wall Street will not give you that luxury! Ten predictions by ten people and the market will find some way to do that which makes them all wrong. The marketes are trying to maneuver themselves around peoples' already invested positions. It is new money that drives the market, or new money as a result of liquidating a position.

    In summary: the only option I see is to WAIT FOR and REACT TO surprising unexpected moves instead of getting burned by them. That’s my definite experience. Never forget these words!

    If you trade this way, you will become no friend to Wall Street.
    The solution to the problems I have been experiencing can only be solved two ways:

    1) Wait for an extreme unexpected move like DX down from 76.72 to 73.88 in July, 2011.
    2) Read profusely to have a feel for the fact the day before the European draft to give periphery countries more money was going to be received positively.

    The problem is I can’t read that much or that fast. I can only read as fast as I can, plus it takes away from my spiritual life. So I can do 1 and only try to do 2.
    by Published on 07-21-2011 02:17 AM     Number of Views: 2447 
    1. Categories:
    2. 2015 to 2022

    "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring" (Luke 21.25).

    The 3 comets coming very close to earth in 2011-12 within 5 months of each other is a sign that something is going to happen 4 years out.

    4 years out is the 2,520 days of the Tribulation Feast of Trumpets, Sept. 14, 2015 to Tisha B'Av, Aug. 7, 2022. Wow!

    Thanks to Joe Blackford for sending this.

    After you watch this video ask yourself these questions.

    Since Perry Stone believes the entire Church is raptured before the Tribulation and it is not according to readiness (Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10) to him then is he ready for teaching falsely?

    Is a Christian really ready lying on a bed of fornication? Does he deserve to be raptured ahead time as firstfruits (Rev. 12.5, 14.1-5) to the throne in 3rd heaven (Rev. 7.9) before the events of the Tribulation unfold, before the later harvest (vv.14-16)?

    If he is not ready for teaching falsely then when he is in the Tribulation will he even realize it is the Tribulation since he would assume if it was the Tribulation he would have been raptured beforehand.

    When there is a couple million vanished Sept. 14, 2015 will he accuse them of being a fake rapture? accusing the brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10).

    It's interesting from my point of view how the other speaker in this video doesn't see the Tribulation 2015 to 2022 either. This is a testament to the fact that if you don't believe in partial rapture and how the book of Revelation should be read according to partial rapture, you will miss it and be perplexed.

    Why do you need to be ready for Jesus if you are going to be raptured before the Tribulation anyway? Even the posttribber onylist has a problem, because if everything is "single glory syndrome" and there is no difference between overcomers and non-overcomers to reign during the 1000 years then why should it matter? You can be a carnal Christian, accuse those saints raptured at the first rapture, and be rewarded just the same as the next guy who consecrated himself to the Lord.

    by Published on 07-08-2011 03:23 PM     Number of Views: 2442 
    1. Categories:
    2. Calvinism

    "Man's will has its proper place in the matter of salvation," declared Spurgeon. "When a man receives the Divine Grace of Christ, he does not receive it against his will.... Nor again, mark you, is the will taken away. For God does not come and convert the intelligent free agent into a machine." Yet he also declared, "Where is free will? Man is so depraved, the way of salvation so obnoxious to his pride... that he cannot like it... unless he who ordained the plan shall...subdue his will."

    If God must subdue our will, why does He ask us to choose (Joshua 24:15)? Calvin declared that "those who...seek for free-will in man...labour under manifold delusion." Yet Jesus said, "If any man will to do his [God's] will, he shall know" (John 7:17). God said to Israel, "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured" (Isaiah 1:19–20). Why such language that clearly puts the responsibility on them, if no one in Israel could will unless God did the willing?

    "If ye offer a sacrifice...unto the LORD, ye shall offer it at your own will" (Lev. 19.5). "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it" (saiah 1.19-20). If a person couldn't offer would not God have said so? That is sort of an important point to leave out. See Lev. 22.18; 23.38; Numb. 15.3; Deut. 12.6; 2 Chron. 31.14; Ps. 119.108. "Whosoever is of a willing heart" (Ex. 35.5); "who his spirt made willing" (v.21); "as many as were willing hearted" (v.22); "a heart with a willing mind" (1 Chron. 28.9; "who then is willing to consecrate his" (29.5); "offered willingly" (v.9); "I have willingly offered all these things" (v.17); "willingly offered himself utno the LORD" (2 Chron. 17.16); "princes gave willingly unto the people" (35.8). The NT contains many similar phrases: "The spirit indeed is willing (Matt. 26.41); "Pilate [was] willing (Luke 23.20); "Ye were willing" (John 5.35); "The centurian [was] willing" (Acts 27.43); "They were willing of themselves" (2 Cor. 8.3); "a willing mind" (v.12); "not by constraint, but willingly" (1 Pet. 5.2).

    Are we to believe that that these Scriptures actually mean either man has no will or God causes him to be willing? Calvinism treats man as a puppet that God makes willing, yet the Bible gives man credit for having a willing heart as though the willingness were his own. The judgment seat of Christ, His promised rewards, the Great White Throne judgment, and the lake of fire are meaningless if all is of God and nothing is from the heart of man. The many statements about the person being willing from his heart become nonsensical.

    (Debating Calvinism, pp. 336, 338-339, by Dave Hunt)
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