• Faithful

    by Published on 10-18-2010 04:53 AM     Number of Views: 3315 
    1. Categories:
    2. Boundary of Local Assembly,
    3. Elders

    The Elders of Each Church Locality are Responsible

    The Bible usually takes a city, the smallest executive governmental area, as the boundary of a local assembly. A local assembly is the unit of the Church in God’s word. It does not join with other assemblies and make the resulting larger church a central church. In other words, in the eyes of God, He has not made Rome as the central church. He never makes any local assembly the center of the churches to be in control of other assemblies. There is no center on earth in God’s government. Even Jerusalem was not a center to the early churches.
    by Published on 10-14-2010 06:02 AM     Number of Views: 8142 
    1. Categories:
    2. Islam, Muslim, Koran
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    When you don't understand why Obama does what he does, consider that maybe it is because he is a Muslim.
    • He got the government to stop using the phrase "Islamic terrorists."
    • He didn't cover his heart for the Pledge of Allegiance.
    • He refused to wear a flag pin on his lapel.
    • In the swearing in ceremony Obama did not place his hand on the Bible which the Supreme Court botched.
    • Obama tried to get Israel from building apartments on their own land.
    • He attended a church for 20 years that praises the nation of Islam.
    • Obama has never attended a Christian service, not once.
    • He was caught reading a book called The Post-American World.
    • He had the Christian symbol covered up in his Georgetown speech.
    • He said one of the prettiest sounds on Earth is the Muslim call to prayer.
    • He recited the first few lines of the Muslim call to prayer perfectly, so he would have said in Arabic that Allah (Satan) is great, that he bears witness there is none worthy of being worshiped except Allah (Satan). Could he be telling the Islamic world he really is a Muslim?
    • Barack said United States is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world even though that is not true.
    • He invited the Muslim Brotherhood to his speech in Cairo.
    • He wants to make friends with Islamic countries but shuns Israel. Would a Christian do that?
    • Obama Administration was for prosecuting the Navy Seals who punched a terrorist.
    • Why would Obama give Miranda Rights ("warnings") to terrorists?
    • He said we will not use Nukes in retaliation even if biological and chemical weapons are used against United States. So go ahead terrorists the door is wide open.
    • Barack refused to go to Arlington Cemetery on Memorial Day and instead went to Chicago on Memorial Day to visit the neighbor's house of Louis_Farrakhan.
    • He told NASA that their foremost mission must now be to improve relations with the Muslim world.
    • Why did he drag his feet and drag out the British Petroleum oil leak. Maybe it is because he wants to take down one of the largest non-Muslim oil companies.
    • Why does Obama allow for the murder of millions of American children by abortion? Killing Americans seems to be no problem for Obama so there will be less Americans for the rest of Muslims to have to kill according to the Koran (see the verses below).
    • He pushed for advancing Islamic law in Kenya in support of abortion by giving 23 million dollars to help fund the agenda.
    • Obama Administration is pushing for the release of the terrorist convicted for the 1988 Pan Am bombing.
    • Barack appointed Rashad Hssain as a special envoy to the OIC, an organization of 56 Muslim countries, essentially creating a Muslim missionary from the U.S. to other Muslim countries and paid for by you and me the taxpayers.
    • Obama bowed to the Saudi Arabia Muslim king.
    • He cut terrorism funding to New York City one day after the New York City bomber was caught.
    • An Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said Obama
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