• Calvinism

    by Published on 06-03-2017 11:18 PM     Number of Views: 2472 
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    2. Regeneration,
    3. Calvinism

    Whoever Does Not Believe Will Perish

    The Bible declares that the Lord Jesus died for all. If a person does not believe in the Lord Jesus, will he perish?


    “The love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that one died for all, therefore all died” (2 Cor. 5.14). The “one” here is Christ. The “all” whom He died for are all men. Now it may appear from this, therefore, that even though a person does not believe in the Lord Jesus, he should not die. Yet in John we read that “he that believeth not hath been judged already, because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God” (3.18). What can be said about the righteousness of God and His way of operation?

    Let us look into this matter:

    “The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Matt. 20.28). “Who gave himself a ransom for all” (1 Tim. 2.6). What is the difference between “many” and “all”? The “many” in the first passage includes all who believe, and the Lord Jesus has died for all the many who believe in Him. The “all” in the second passage refers to all men, for whom the Lord Jesus has prepared a ransom. The “for” in Matthew carries in it the idea of substituting, while the “for” in 1 Timothy conveys the idea of providing. With respect to the believers, the Lord Jesus has died to substitute His death for their death as well as to provide for them a ransom. With respect to sinners, however, His death has provided for them a ransom, though it does not serve to substitute for their death. Hence the scope of substitution before God is limited.

    The words “one died for all” in 2 Corinthians 5.14 means to say that one had died on behalf of all. It means that the death of the Lord Jesus has provided sufficiently for the use of all men. So far as provision is concerned the death of the Lord Jesus is for all men so that all may have the opportunity to be saved. Only for the believers would the word “substitute” be used.

    “He is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the whole world” (1 John 2.2). Christ is the propitiation for the unbelievers as well as for the believers. But again the meaning here is not substitution, but provision. The salvation of God has already been prepared. When you receive it you then will be reckoned by God as being one among the “many”. Christ died on behalf of all men, since His death has made provision for all men; but it cannot be taken to mean a substitution in death for all men. If anyone does not believe, he will perish. This is man’s responsibility before God.

    “I may observe once for all, that in the usage of these two words, as applied to our redemption by Christ, all is the objective, many the subjective designation of those for whom Christ died.” Henry Alford, The Greek Testament (Chicago: Moody Press, 1968), Vol. I, p. 206.
    by Published on 11-20-2015 07:01 PM     Number of Views: 3297 
    1. Categories:
    2. Calvinism

    Dear Calvinist,

    The Reformation was justification by faith not irresistibly imposed salvation so you can see how Calvinists high jacked the word "reformed" for their cult.

    There were no great theologians who were Calvinists. Calvinists are going to Hell.

    None of those individuals you mentioned were born-again. They were frauds. In Christendom are many who worship false Christs.

    What they all had in common is they pridefully on a pedestal declared they were irresistibly selected, nothing they could do about it, and others sent to Hell given no opportunity for salvation. That's called preterition. Just like Hitler said the Jews were born for the gas chambers and his Aryan race irresistibly selected just like you.

    These characters you mentioned simply refused to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. Understand the cult you are getting yourself into.

    God implores you "that the wicked person should turn from his way and live. Repent, repent of your evil ways!" (Ez. 33.11) Is God some sadistic bastard that says you can't? Hence, Total depravity is a heresy.

    My prayer is one day give your life to Christ, because as you are now, you are going to Hell.
    by Published on 07-08-2015 06:39 PM     Number of Views: 3428 
    1. Categories:
    2. Regeneration,
    3. Calvinism

    1 Tim. 4.10 says "God is the Savior of all men, specially those who believe". Since both Christians and Calvinists agree that this verse does not refer to universalism, can we determine which is the correct gospel of salvation? Of course. That's what the word of God is for to discern the spirits and prove all things.

    If as Calvinists believe God is merely only the protector and sustainer on earth though not from Hell in the first half of the sentence then the second half of the sentence makes no sense, because those who believe are a subset who come from all those whom God is the Savior of as indicated by the word "specially". Therefore, "Savior of all men" cannot stop short of God's glory by being merely only a sustainer, but must include salvation from Hell as well if the condition is met by believing.

    Therefore, since "God is the Savior of all men" doesn't refer to universalism but does apply to all people, it must pertain to the fact that God provides prevenient grace, that is, sufficient grace to us all to have the free choice. That is the context of the overall passage too.

    Praise the Lord!

    Therefore, a now ex-Calvinist after 26 years as a Calvinist can be saved. How? By repenting of Calvinism. Instead of pridefully on a pedestal with his idol of Total depravity delusionally declaring like a robot he was irresistibly selected, he came to the cross as a helpless sinner, having received the gift of repentance and faith by searching God out with all his heart and soul, to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior to be regenerated (i.e. born-again, initial salvation, new birth, new creation). If you are to be saved this is how God will receive you. He will not receive you with the hard heart of a Calvinist. No true Calvinist has ever been born-again.

    by Published on 06-24-2015 02:33 AM     Number of Views: 3073 
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    2. Calvinism

    Consider Calvinists as patients with a terminally ill disease. Diagnosing their symptoms and realize an amazing medical discovery they can be cured.

    Calvinist will try to tell you that God saves whom He wants and sends whom He wants to Hell without the sufficient grace given to people to have the free choice almost as if we are like robots. One passage they cite frequently to this end is Romans 9.14: "Are we saying, then, that God was unfair? Of course not!" But they have misused this verse for their false teaching that God irresistibly imposes salvation. Why assume such?

    God says, "I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose" (Rom. 9.15). See Ex. 33.19. What this verse is saying is whatever God does, it is His prerogative. It is not a defense of Calvinism. The following verse supports this point: "So it is God who decides to show mercy. We can neither choose it nor work for it" (v.16). When God gives mercy we can be confident it is the right amount always. Perhaps some people need less mercy and others need more to draw them to Christ, but His mercy is always sufficient. Never is His mercy insufficient. You can't cause God to bring down more mercy upon yourself or demand more mercy from God. What God does is perfect when He affords you the free choice to search Him out with all you heart and soul; surely, only then will you find Him and receive the gift of repentance and faith to be regenerated.

    "In the same way, even though God has the right to show his anger and his power, he is very patient with those on whom his anger falls, who are destined for destruction. He does this to make the riches of his glory shine even brighter on those to whom he shows mercy...." (v.22-23) His glory shines even brighter on those He has chosen because He gave every opportunity to others to accept Him. Those destined for destruction God supplied more than ample grace for them to accept the Lord, and His anger was intense, but they still refuse to accept Him as He is. Calvinists are going to Hell as they erect themselves up on a pedestal by their own strength and declare to the peons below God has passed over others (preterition) but not themselves. Whereas actual Christians have come to the cross as helpless sinners to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior to be regenerated with no prideful, pompous, self-righteous declaration they have been irresistibly selected. Praise the Lord! Amen.
    by Published on 09-30-2013 06:13 PM     Number of Views: 3240 
    1. Categories:
    2. Regeneration,
    3. Calvinism

    The Fall and Salvation

    Unfortunately, mankind has fallen. By this plunge man’s unfettered volition suffered prodigious damage. We may say that there are two massive contradictory wills throughout the universe. On the one side stands the holy and perfect will of God; on the other is arrayed the defiled, defiling and opposing will of Satan. In between subsists the sovereign, independent, free will of man. When man listens to the devil and rebels against God he seems to render an eternal "no" to God’s will and an abiding "yes" to Satan’s. Since man employs his volition to choose the will of the devil, his volition falls captive to the devil. Therefore all his acts are governed by Satan’s will. Until he overturns his early subjection, man's will remains unquestionably oppressed by the enemy power.

    In this fallen position and condition man is fleshly. This flesh—by which his will, together with his other organs, is ruled—is thoroughly corrupted. How can anything pleasing to God ever result from such a darkened will? Even his questing after God springs from the realm of the flesh and therefore lacks any spiritual value. He may invent many ways of worshiping God at this time, yet all are his own ideas, all are "will-worship" (Col. 2.23 ASV), totally unacceptable to Him.

    Let us realize, then, that except a man receive God’s new life and serve Him therein, every bit of service for God is but the work of the flesh. His intention to serve and even to suffer for Him is vain. Before he is regenerated, his will, even though it may be inclined towards good and God, is futile. For it is not what fallen man intends to do for God but how He Himself wishes man to do for Him that really counts in God’s eyes. Man may devise and initiate countless notable works for God; nonetheless, if they do not originate with God they are nothing more than will-worship.

    This is true with respect to salvation. When man lives carnally even his desire to be saved is not acceptable to God. We read in the Gospel of John that "to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God" (1.12-13). Man is not regenerated because he wills it so. He must be born of God. Nowadays Christians entertain the incorrect concept that if anyone wishes to be saved and seeks the way of life he undoubtedly will be a good disciple of Christ, for nothing can be better than this desire. God nonetheless affirms that in this matter of regeneration as well as in all other matters related to Him, the will of man is totally nonefficacious.

    Many children of God cannot understand why John 1 asserts the will of man to be noneffective whereas Revelation concludes by saying, "Let him who desires take the water of life without price" (22.17), as though man himself is entirely responsible for his salvation. And does not the Lord Jesus Himself give as explanation for the Jews not being saved the following declaration: "You refuse to come to me that you may have life" (John 5.40) ? Here again, the responsibility for perdition apparently rests on man’s will. Can the Bible be contradicting itself? Is there any special meaning behind these apparent inconsistencies? A comprehension of this matter will help us to appreciate what God requires of us in our Christian life.

    We will recall that God wishes no one to "perish but that all should reach repentance" because He "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (2 Peter 3.9; 1 Tim. 2.4). No problem arises concerning whom God wants to save or whom He will let perish. The problem before us is, rather, what is the sinner’s attitude towards God’s will? If he decides to be a Christian because he is naturally inclined towards "religion," naturally contemptuous of the world or naturally influenced by his heredity, environment or family, he is as far from God and His life as are other sinners. If the sinner chooses to be a Christian at the moment of excitement or enthusiasm, he may not fare better than the rest. It all reduces itself to this: what is his attitude towards God’s will? God loves him, but will he accept this love? Christ calls him, but will he come? The Holy Spirit wants to give him life, but is he willing to be born? His will is useful only in choosing God’s will. The question now is, and solely is, how does his volition react towards God’s will?

    Have we noticed the difference here? If man himself commences the search for salvation, he is yet perishing. Various founders of religions belong to this category. But if man, upon hearing the gospel, is willing to accept what God offers to him, he shall be saved. In the one case, man originates; in the other, he receives. The one does the willing himself while the other accepts God’s will. John 1 speaks of man himself willing, whereas John 5 and Revelation 22 refer to man’s accepting God’s will. Hence no contradiction exists between these two; rather is there a very crucial lesson for us to learn.
    by Published on 06-18-2012 01:02 AM     Number of Views: 2939 
    1. Categories:
    2. Calvinism

    If 1 Tim. 4.10 "God is the Savior all men, specially those who believe" means in Calvinism "God is the Savior of all men [by faith], [particularly] those who believe" then why isn't everyone saved since He is the "Savior of all men"?

    OSAS Arminians teach God is the Savior of all men because He died on the cross for the sins of the whole world and provides sufficient grace to all to have the free choice.

    But to be the "Savior of all men [by faith]" in Calvinism would mean "all men" would have to be saved. Unless you mean "all men [in different places]." But then that would be nonsensically redundant because "[particularly] those who believe" are those "men [in different places]." And besides, who are those who are saved "[by faith]" who are not "those who believe"? There is just no way around this verse to help Calvinists support their faith.

    This is very powerful proof that Calvinists are not Christians because they refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; therefore, they will go to Hell! They are a child of perdition; even worse, they are the unsaved tares that try to look like saved wheat who may have even come close to the door of salvation (2 Pet. 2.21) but refuse to enter. Instead, they pridefully on pedestal arrogantly and pompously prefer to assume they were irresistibly selected, and billions others were born for Hell to be given no opportunity for salvation. What love is that? Calvinists are sick bastards through and through! Jesus will put His sickle to them when He returns. There is no need for us to root them out as they grow up next to us and try to look like us who are God's chosen ones.

    Thus, anyone reading this who is still a Calvinist if you can't be convinced by this clarity and logic what will convince you to give your life to Jesus who died on the cross for the sins of the whole world and to the God who provides sufficient grace to all to have the free choice that whosoever believeth in Him shall be saved (regenerated)?

    Let me ask you simply again, what would the word of God have to say and how would you require it be worded to accept Jesus who died on the cross for the sins of the whole world and the God who provides sufficient grace to all to have the free choice?

    I propose to you here and now that there is no actual feasible way for the word of God to express itself in a way that could convince you to accept the God who predestinates by foreknowing our free-choice: a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints.

    It is as though Calvinists have been preteritioned for Hell.

    Most of us know all too well Calvinists we have encountered will never repent; it is effectively too late for you now. You have long since decided what you want and whom you worship and where your allegiance lies. And that makes me very sad for you. May others who read this not be so deceived.
    by Published on 04-28-2012 09:33 AM     Number of Views: 2890 
    1. Categories:
    2. Calvinism

    You can't convince a Calvinist to realize Calvinism is wrong by telling him it is wrong to send people to Hell by giving them no opportunity for salvation. The conscience of a Calvinist is willing to believe that God created a soul, allows that soul to be born into the world and not given prevenient grace to have any opportunity to be saved but passed over for Hell even though it was not their fault they were born into sin.

    Even though it is evil for us to treat each other this way the Calvinist has no problem believing his god operates differently where it is ok to preterition people to Hell when he could have done more as we human beings would have done more for fellow man. To the Calvinist, his conscience does not register with the fact God can't have a conscience below our own standards.

    How then do you reason with a Calvinist and reach out to him? You could show all those verses that speak about Jesus dying on the cross for the sins of the whole world. But every time you do that the Calvinist changes those verses to sins of all those who would be saved in the world or all those in different places. Silly nonsense.

    So I believe the best argument to show Calvinism is wrong is by simply quoting verses where God implores you and pleads with you believe in Him, thus giving you the free choice. For example, "I have set before you life and death.... Choose life.... Love the LORD thy God" (Deut. 30.19-20). Would a loving and righteous and holy God plead with you and implore you to believe in Him if you were not given sufficient grace to have the free choice? Of course not.

    Therefore, God does not irresistibly impose repentance, faith and regeneration, but you can freely obtain these gifts if you were genuinely and sincerely searching God out with all your heart and soul then you shall surely find Him.

    In conclusion, we observe that Calvinists have not sincerely and genuinely searched God out with all their hearts and souls, and that's why they haven't found Him yet.

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