• Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist

    by Published on 04-20-2012 06:18 PM     Number of Views: 2214 
    1. Categories:
    2. Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist

    I just wanted you to understand how a logical person understands the big picture. Does God exist or not?

    I know God exists because the universe can't come from nothing since that which does not exist can't cause anything, so nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated whom we call God. Later we can figure out who or what God is, but for now we know the uncreated Creator does indeed exist.

    Nor can there exist an eternity of the past of cause and effects because you would have come into existence before now having had an eternity to do so. What's even more contradictory with the assumption of a past eternity is that if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects, you would have never come into existence because a past eternity would still be going on for eternity so as to never reach this point. The concept of a past eternity is not only self-contradictory but just plain wrong.

    Who is God? I believe God would be accessible. To be accessible would only include the major religions that spread throughout the globe: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism. Just three choices. I deem Hinduism to be false because you aren't coming back as a frog if you are not a good prince. That's just silly. And Brahma is said to be amoral. How can God have standards below our own by being amoral? Islam is proven false in one fell swoop because it has no evidence six centuries later from a guy in a cave who self-declared Jesus never died on the cross. The burden is on him to try to overturn the historical record. So without knowing anything else we know Jesus is God.

    For those who want to even deny He exists, we can say Jesus is the most documented person in antiquity. He has more sources written about him within 150 years of his death than any ten figures combined from antiquity. To know that He did indeed resurrect Himself we simply observe that there has never been and never will be a naturalistic explanation to account for the origin of the disciples' eyewitness testimony.

    We are personal and God, of course, can't have standards below our own so God must be personal. What is the most personal thing God can do for us? To literally enter His creation and pay for the sins that belong to us for forgiveness of sins, regeneration of the spirit and to give eternal life. Accessible and personal are virtues characteristic of a God who has a mind, and a mind is needed to create a mind. A mind can not come from dust alone, but must also have a soul to produce self-consciousness.

    Christ Jesus, the 2nd Person of the Trinity, will also return during Daniel's final seven, based on the Total Lunar Tetrads, that is, the signs in the heavens according to Joel 2.31 and Rev. 6.12 before the Tribulation starts. The 2,520 days (7x360) would be from Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022. First rapture is according to readiness (Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10) on the first date. The latter date Jesus steps down on the mount of olives.

    It really is that simple so we are all without excuse.
    by Published on 10-01-2011 10:05 PM     Number of Views: 2269 
    1. Categories:
    2. Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist

    When I observe nature I see causation always, no hard evidence to the contrary, and that which does not exist can't cause anything because it doesn't exist, so something can't come from nothing.

    The only possibility then is there is an infinite regress of cause and effects naturally, but then I ask myself, that doesn't make sense because if that were true, we would have happened already having had an eternity to do so. And we would never exist because a past eternity would still be going on for eternity never reaching this point. So infinite regress is impossible and self-contradictory. That which is self-contradictory and impossible is false.

    So since nature can't come from nothing, nor always have existed in infinite regress, logically speaking the only possibility is nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, which would be uncreated, our uncreated Creator.

    The question then is not whether atheism is true, but who the uncreated Creator is?

    I take the position the Creator is accessible because that is loving, and the only 3 accessible faiths are Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The rest are quite minuscule. I know Islam is false because you can't come along six centuries later without any evidence and claim Jesus didn't die on the cross.

    And I know Hinduism is false because its God Brahma is amoral, but how can the Creator have a morality below our own? Furthermore, I don't find coming back as a chicken if I am overly sinful adequately deals with my sin nature in this life. We really only need this one life to decide if we want to be with God for eternity (forgiven) or to be eternally separated from Him in Hell.

    Free will is not truly free if we don't have this free choice. And a chicken doesn't have sufficient self-consciousness and God-consciousness to have the opportunity to be turned back into a human again so that's just silly. A chicken brain doesn't have the capacity to hold a human brain.

    So that proves Christianity is correct and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He created us, and nothing that exists exists without Him having created it. There is no way to the Father but through the Son, and there is no other name under heaven by which one can be saved.

    Unless you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, He will deny you before the Father. Unless you accept Jesus who He truly is, who died on the cross for the sins of the whole world to save whosoever is willing (John 3.16) and resurrected the 3rd day, you won't be saved.

    The proof of the resurrection is icing on the cake, because nobody is able to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the origin of the disciples' beliefs in their eyewitness testimony to having seen Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings and setting up the first churches on their eyewitness testimony. We know group hallucinations are impossible and people don't willingly die for what they know is a lie when they could have saved their lives by telling the truth. And Jesus wouldn't have looked much like the risen Messiah if He somehow survived the cross all beat up, scourged down to the bone, nails in his hands and feet, thorns in his head and deprived of any sustenance for three days.
    by Published on 01-14-2011 03:15 AM     Number of Views: 2428 
    1. Categories:
    2. Hell,
    3. Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist

    This is how I think - how I prove the revelation I received that Jesus is God and salvation is only through Him. What I received and know in my spirit (innerman) when I was born-again can be understood in my soul (outerman) and made sense of.

    I think to myself there are trillions and trillions of causes in nature and no hard evidence something comes from nothing, so this is an overwhelming preponderance of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the universe can't come from nothing, that which does not exist that has no energy or existence, for the 1st law of thermodynamics would be violated. Something can't come from nothing!

    There also cannot be an infinite regress of the universe or universes of cause and effects, because you would have happened already having had an eternity to do so. Infinite regress contradicts itself. If there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects this point in time would never have been reached because eternity would still be going on.

    So if there can't be an infinite regress and there can't be something from nothing, there needs to be a cause outside of nature, outside of time and space, and this is whom we call the uncreated Creator or God. So there is grounds for One Uncreated Creator, no more, since if there were others, you would have to ask where they came from.

    Is it better the Creator is an absentee landlord like all other gods of the world which are really just idols, or does He reveal Himself personally by entering His creation? Why create if you want no interaction with your creation? Makes no sense. Just as we are relational so is God relational in His 3 Persons of the Trinity and towards His creation. Atheists are cold-hearted, impersonal and worship their idol of claiming God does not exist that reflects their insincerity, lack of genuine empathy for fellow man, feeding their selfish gene and decrepit, morally bankrupt ideational world of natural selection only. When they realize this is futile they even start defending other gods.

    Even if you don't know anything about God's word (66 books of the Bible) you know God entered His creation personally. Jesus is the only One who said He is God, that He created all things and actually proved it. If you want to prove the resurrection, it's really quite simple. Just realize the original disciples testified to having seen Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. No other belief system has God Himself entering His creation to walk among us. Almost all scholars concede at the very least the disciples believed in their heart of hearts they had seen Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings even talked with, touched and ate with Him. They knew Jesus well after spending three years with Him. Since there is no naturalistic explanation to account for their eyewitness testimony they willingly died for and all possibilities have been exhausted from group hallucinations to swoon theory, we realize it is a perfect proof for God.

    Now if you don't want to receive what Jesus did for you on the cross, God is not going to force you. He will send you where you want to go to be eternally separated from Him and the Lamb, and without the Holy Spirit, in that place called Hell devoid of His presence. If you want to be separated from His presence don't complain about it. It's what you want. People who go to the Lake of Fire (Hell) do so because deep down inside that's what they want. There they will live out their conscious existence for eternity knowing they made the wrong choice. What a horrible way to exist. I can see why it's called Hell, having to live with eternal regret, not even wanting God's forgiveness.

    How sad for the atheists. They are dullards of the universe and truly bad people. I suspect the Hell that atheists will endure will be far greater than someone who at least believes in an uncreated creator even though he may submit himself to the wrong one.

    I enjoy sci-fi movies like Battlestar Galactica, the infinite regress they portray, just as much as the next person, but it's not reality and never will be. It's just entertainment. The universe really is 13.7 billion years old. Our bodies really were formed from dust over that time (Gen. 2.7). When the body was fully formed about 6000 years ago, God really did breath in the breath of life directly creating man's spirit and when it made contact with the body the soul life was formed so man became a living soul with a spirit and a body (Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23). Ever since about 6000 years ago man was made in God's image with a fully developed spirit of God-consciousness. Once a person has God-consciousness they will never cease to exist even if they want to in their suicidal and selfish belief system such as in Atheism or 7th Day Adventism, because God would be evil to create you with awareness of Him only to then annihilate you. God is love, and He is righteous and holy. You are free to be delusional though in thinking you will cease to exist, but you will awaken from soul sleep in bad side of Hades, resurrected to the Great White Throne (Rev. 20.10-15), judged and sentenced to eternity with the Devil, the fallen angels and demons.

    It's important that when we confront an atheist today that we realize exactly what kind of person we are really dealing with. They are hellbound. After you give them the gospel if they remain obstinate, obnoxious and obtuse, it's clear the choice they have made for themselves.
    by Published on 12-23-2010 06:52 PM     Number of Views: 2093 
    1. Categories:
    2. Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist


    1) something can't come from nothing for what does not exist can't produce anything


    2) infinite regress is impossible because you would have happened already having an eternity to do so


    3) what is outside of nature-time and space-necessarily is the uncaused cause and can't be lesser than us with minds.

    WHO IS HE?

    4) Jesus is God since all naturalistic explanations have been exhausted for the origin of the disciples' beliefs, multiply attested appearances, in various groups.


    p.s. by all means go ahead if you feel the need to challenge these words, but the burden is on you. ...
    by Published on 09-30-2010 08:33 AM     Number of Views: 5972 
    1. Categories:
    2. William Lane Craig vs. ...,
    3. Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist,
    4. Richard Dawkins

    Dawkins thinks a non-existent God who created universes is better than an existing God who creates universes. But that is logically incoherent because there is no possible universe in which a non-existent being exists.

    This is not my most favorite proof, since I prefer my resurrection proof using the Minimal Facts Approach and the 4 Step Proof for God, but the ontological is the most elegant.

    The Ontological Argument (The Nature of Existence or Being)
    1. It is possible that a maximally great being exists (omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and morally perfect in every possible world). Hence atheism is false. The basic meanings are Atheism is the word in the English language to claim God does not exist. Agnosticism is the word in the English language to say one is not sure.
    2. If it is possible that a maximally great being exists, then a maximally great being exists in some possible world (eventually you would come to a world with a maximally great being because there would be an infinite number of possibilities).
    3. If a maximally great being exists in some possible world, then it would exists in every possible world (true by definition, because part of being maximally great is to exist in every possible world).
    4. If a maximally great being exists in every possible world, then He or She exists in the actual world.
    5. If a maximally great being exists in the actual world, then a maximally great being exists.
    6. Therefore, a maximally great being exists.

    by Published on 09-19-2010 10:26 AM     Number of Views: 2681 
    1. Categories:
    2. Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist

    William Lane Craig shows the same thing: an infinite regress cannot exist.

    by Published on 07-17-2010 01:11 PM     Number of Views: 1939 
    1. Categories:
    2. Atheist, Agnostic, Agtheist

    Isn't it funny how some atheists say they have a lack of faith rather than a belief in no God? Agnosticism is a lack of faith and evidence either way, whereas atheism is a belief there is no God whether they think they have evidence for their claim or not.

    Yet there is evidence that God exists. Since in nature we see always has a cause, confirmed by the preponderance of evidence of trillions of causes in nature beyond a reasonable doubt, we know that the natural must have a cause and can't come from nothing. After all that which doesn't exist can't cause anything--IT DOESN'T EXIST! Nothing always comes from nothing.

    Here is a funny thought. Those who say the composite may operate differently than the causation in the composite of the universe run into trouble. While they admit there must always be causation in the universe, they say to bring the composite into being operates without causation. But think how goofy that claim is. For nothing "to bring the composite into being" is another way of saying "causation". Funny! The desperation of agnostics and atheists is profound.
    Realizing this, one has only one option left to continue to reject the uncreated Creator. He must prove that the natural world always existed for an eternity of the past. But this too is impossible because if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects, mankind would have approximated into that alleged past eternity but would not still be sinning to the extent he still does along the exponential progression of conscience he is clearly on (as seen in just these past six millennia). In other words, it is more than enough time and would be far greater in time than even 13.7 billion years of our universe; it wouldn't even take another six thousand years likely to reach near sinlessness. Various proofs we are on this exponential progression of conscience are found in the 4 Step Proof for God,


    Ergo, we are left with no other option fathomable, than there must exists the uncreated Creator who created this existence. A mind with a conscience produced beings with minds and consciences; that which doesn't have a mind, conscience, feelings, volition such as the elements of nature which are lesser could never produce the greater such as sentient beings. Now that we know by the evidence of Romans 1.20 God exists by observing nature in the way described above, the question to ask is, who is God?

    All religions and faiths of the world that claim they have the true God are unable to prove it except one. They are unable to prove it, because their god or gods are ethereally assumed and do no enter creation personally to prove themselves by a supernatural act (visions don't count for there must be group attestation physically that can be touched with our own two hands). Only Christianity proved it, in Christ by His resurrection that most skeptical scholars concede certain details that lead us inextricably to the fact that Jesus created us and He is God.

    Since I don't know how to overturn that evidence and I have never seen anyone else who could find a naturalistic explanation given this data, this is how I know there is no other name under heaven by which one can be saved, and if a person is unwilling to receive this salvation he must be eternally separated from God in the domain called Hell because it would be unrighteous of God to force you to love Him. The unregenerate effectively prefer for eternity to be eternally separated from the Creator. I tend to think of it this way. The pain of recanting will always be greater than the pain of giving up control of self and placing all trust in Jesus.

    It's a choice.

    Most skeptical scholars concede the disciples who spent 3 years with Jesus, along with others, truly believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. Based on the evidence and record of history preserved, those same scholars always concede the fact that these same disciples went to their deaths as martyrs unwilling to deny their eyewitness testimony of having seen Jesus alive from the dead up close and personal physically. Since people don't willingly die for something they know is a lie, and the disciples could have easily renounced their eyewitness claim to save their lives, we know they truly believed it. Therefore, the only option left is to appeal to group hallucinations. But this fails too because according to modern psychology (DM-4 manual) group hallucinations are impossible. As they say in poker, there are no outs left. When all known possibilities we discover are impossible, what we deemed to be impossible must be the truth!

    We are left with no possible naturalistic explanation, proving the fact that Jesus is God and He entered His creation to die on the cross for the sins of the world to reconcile mankind back to Him "whosoever believeth" (John 3.18)--whosoever is willing! Amen.
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