
Type: Posts; User: Luke

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  1. Replies

    2000 Mules - Fake Names - Voter ID

    How does Florida do so well in elections for republicans? They even allow early voting and mail in votes. What do they do differently that ensures republicans win? It's very simple. They have Voter...
  2. Replies

    Kanye said Germans did a lot of good things....

    Kanye said Germans did a lot of good things. B.S.! Then he compares planned parenthood as just as bad or worse. I disagree. Who killed more? Hitler did, not planned parenthood. Hitler killed people...
  3. Replies

    I finally know why many people despise George...

    I finally know why many people despise George Soros. He was asked if he was religious? He said emphatically NO! He was asked do you believe in God? Emphatically and directly he said NO again. He was...
  4. Replies

    Ye is Not a Christian

    The reason why Ye is not a Christian is because he said Hitler was born a Christian. This shows his spirit is dead to God that he would say that; he doesn't know true salvation. Nobody is born a...
  5. Replies

    If you are not sure if you are an Apostle then...

    If you are not sure if you are an Apostle then you are not an Apostle at least at this time directly chosen by God to appoint Elders of a church city locality. But you at least fulfilled the...
  6. Joseph Smith Died Guns Ablazing in the Carthage Jail, Hardly a Martyr

    Smith went to jail for burning down the Nauvoo Expositor after its first publication and for treason, declaring marital law with up to a 5000 Indian force, and polygamy and sex with teenagers and...
  7. Solomon Spalding's Fictional Lost Manuscript Had 2 Main Characters Nephi and Lehi

    Joseph Smith stole Solomon Spalding's fictional lost manuscript.
  8. Another crazy questions for the crazy cult. ...

    Another crazy questions for the crazy cult.

    If you make it to the Celestial heaven as a married couple (required for the top level of the 3 levels of Celestial heaven), but still fall short in...
  9. 3 Levels of Heaven, 3 Levels in the Top Level, and Still 1 More Level to be a God

    Did you know not only are there 3 kingdoms for Mormons (Celestial, Terrestial, Telestial), in addition to Hell (demons and apostate Mormons) and Spirit Prison (they call it outer darkness misusing...
  10. Replies

    Paul Started the Jerusalem Church in 51 AD

    Since Paul started the church in 51 AD and 1 Cor. 15 tells us Paul is imparting what he received then what he received was before 51 AD, that is, before he formed the church in Jerusalem. And what he...
  11. President's Choice vs. Petro-Canada. Who Gives the Bigger Discount on Fuel?

    President Choice
    If you buy gas without the World President's Choice M/C, but insert your Optimum card when you buy gas at the Mobile President's Choice Gas Station, you receive 35 points/L (aka 3.5...
  12. Some Decent Quotes of Mormons Claiming They Will be God of Their Own Planets

    Stupid stuff like that

    Many Mormons have said what is most damning to their cult is this Egyptian burial turned into a human...
  13. Replies

    We Shall Know You By Your Fruit

    People are so predictable. Let's say you get into a conversation with someone about whatever. Inevitably the conversation if carried to any length will touch matters of the spirit and religion and...
  14. Replies

    How Do Mormons Misunderstand Grace

    How do Mormons misunderstand grace?

    Mormons claim, "For we know that is by grace we are saved, after all we can do" (2 Neh. 25.23).

    We are not...
  15. Mormons Think God the Father and the Spirit are Men

    Numbers 23:19 (KJV)19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

  16. Paul and Peter Identified Themselves in Their Own Epistles

    "That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand" (2 Thess. 2.2). "The salutation of Paul with mine...
  17. Is Mormonism Compatible with the Bible? by Chad Brand

    Is Mormonism compatible with the Bible?

    by ...
  18. Caesar Augustus, Plutarch, Papais, Paul and Jesus

    Papias wrote around 125 AD and said Matthew wrote his gospel when Peter and Paul were setting up churches. Peter and Paul were executed about 65 AD about 30 years after Jesus died. Papias would have...
  19. Are Billy Graham and His Son Franklin Christians? They Lacked Integrity

    "Celebrity Worth - puts Billy Graham’s net worth at $25,000,000 making him among the richest fat cat religious persons in America - and mind you - this does NOT represent the MILLIONS of dollars in...
  20. Replies

    A Mind Under the Attack of Evil Spirits

    A Mind under the Attack of the Evil Spirits

    If we carefully examine the mental experiences of a Christian we shall see that not merely is he narrow-minded but that he contains many other defects...
  21. Replies

    A Believer's Natural Desires

    DESIRE OCCUPIES the largest part of our emotional life: it joins forces with our will to rebel against God’s will. Our innumerable desires create such confused feelings in us that we cannot quietly...
  22. Replies

    We Are Messengers - Point to You
  23. Article: Conscience and Knowledge and God's Standard

    You can view the page at
  24. Replies

    Conscience and Knowledge and God's Standard

    Conscience and Knowledge

    In abiding by the spirit and listening to the voice of conscience we should remember one thing, and that is, conscience is limited by knowledge. It is the organ for...
  25. Replies

    Baptized by the Evil Spirit

    Baptized by the Evil Spirit

    A fundamental difference obtains between the work of the Holy Spirit and that of the evil spirit. The Holy Spirit moves people themselves to work, never setting...
Results 1 to 25 of 160
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