
Type: Posts; User: spiritualman

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  1. Replies

    Do the Unsaved When they Die Go to Hell?

    Intermediate state before going to Hell.

    [Luk 16:19-31 KJV] 19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: 20 And there was a...
  2. When Family Members Don't Understand Your Faith in Christ

    When you find family members confused about your faith in Christ, just think what Jesus had to endure by how confused his family was about Him. And He is God.

    "When His parents saw Him, they were...
  3. The Dangers of Being Soulish (Living by the Soul Life not the Spirit Life)

    The Dangers of Being Soulish

    Believers who are reluctant to, or who fail to, attain what God has ordained are subject to certain hazards. God’s intent is for His children to walk by the spirit,...
  4. Mandela Effect to Deny the Death of Jesus on the Cross is Goofy

    Isn't it amazing people will stop at nothing to deny the death of Jesus on the cross. People are talking about the Mandela Effect which simply states people remember Mandela dying long before he...
  5. The Bible Says Freewill 17 Times and Whosoever Will 13 Times

    Is it loving to send a person to Hell before the foundations of the world, never giving the person the grace to have the human ability to accept the Lord?

    Since the weight of the evidence is for...
  6. Article: The Conflict between the Old and the New

    You can view the page at
  7. The Conflict between the Old and the New

    The Conflict between the Old and the New

    It is essential for a regenerated person to understand what he has obtained through new birth and what still lingers of his natural endowment. Such...
  8. The Bible is Unique for It Uses the Scientific Method

    Hinduism, Buddhism and Mormonism teach creation within space and time, whereas the Bible teaches creation from outside of time and space. Islamic books on creation teach the planets are further away...
  9. Replies

    Muhammad and Atheists are Pedophiles

    The Bible speaks against pedophilia.

    Yes, Muhammad was a pedophile and so are atheists. Atheists are pedophiles because we observe in nature societies that practice this and criminals against...
  10. Replies

    The Koran is the only book in history that denies...

    The Koran is the only book in history that denies Jesus died on the cross. It's time for Muslims to stop asking if Jesus died on the cross, but ask Why did He die on the cross?

  11. Replies

    Muslims are barbaric animals! ...

    Muslims are barbaric animals!
  12. Replies

    What Does 911 Really Mean?

    The Koran - The Book of Hate

    On September 11th the Islamic Empire was stopped at the gates of Vienna, Austria. If you were not a Muslim you had to pay a protection tax or be killed. The Islamic...
  13. Replies

    Love and the Trinity

    "All sorts of people are fond of repeating the Christian statement that 'God is love.' But they seem not to notice that the words 'God is love' has no real meaning unless God contains at least two...
  14. Replies

    Leighton Flowers said "God foreknows our...

    Leighton Flowers said "God foreknows our free-choice, but doesn't foreknow our determination." If God doesn't know all things then that is Open Theism and Leighton Flowers would not be a Christian.
  15. Replies

    God is Very Patient With Us

    "In the same way, even though God has the right to show his anger and his power, he is very patient with those on whom his anger falls, who are destined for destruction" (Rom. 9.22). If God is very...
  16. Choir, I think you are misunderstanding what...


    I think you are misunderstanding what Stan said. Stan was not saying Christians don't have the power over sin, but that as long as we are in these bodies of flesh and blood we are...
  17. Replies

    Hugh Ross and Gap Restoration

    A primer for creation.

    Go deeper understanding the specifics of gap restoration.

    Find out why day 2...
  18. Replies

    The debate between OSAS Arminian and Calvinism is...

    The debate between OSAS Arminian and Calvinism is summed up here better than anywhere else. It is all about attitude. Calvinists practice will-worship...

    The Fall and Salvation
  19. Replies

    Watchman Nee on Man's Free Will

    A Free Will

    In discussing man and his will we particularly should bear in mind that he exercises a free will. This means that man is sovereign, that he has a sovereign will. What he...
  20. servant77, But you are not saved, because you...


    But you are not saved, because you admit you are not once saved always saved. You claim you could lose salvation. Therefore, you have given your life to a false Christ and are going to...
  21. Replies

    Mormon Madness - Sex Cult

    Mormons are so evil. Racist sex cult.
  22. Replies

    Just like Islam has 5 pillars, Mormons have 5...

    Just like Islam has 5 pillars, Mormons have 5 pillars also.

    1. Joseph Smith is a true prophet.
    2. Book of Mormon is the word of God.
    3. Mormons have a true and living prophet today who is the...
  23. Replies

    Titus 3 Can Help Mormons

    [Tit 3:1-15 RSV] 1 Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for any honest work, 2 to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show...
  24. God's Demand to Direct Your Love (Oprah Winfrey Doesn't Understand a Jealous God)

    God’s Demand

    Yielding one’s affection to the lord may be viewed by the Christian to be a most difficult task, yet the Lord is concerned with One’s affection more than with any Other matter....
  25. Sticky: Even the Greatest Scientists Admit Religion and God are True

    It's amazing, Mormons and Buddhists are Atheists. Just ELABORATE ways to reject God creating whole religions just to reject the Monotheistic God. Even the devil knows God exists. If a person is going...
Results 1 to 25 of 89
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